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A Link icon

addGlobalAnnotation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
addOperand(WurbletArgumentOperator, WurbletArgumentOperand) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Adds an operand.
AND - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
logical AND.
ANDNOT - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
AND NOT combined as a single pseudo-operator.
AnnotationOption - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Maps the annotation string of the model.
Implements the modifiers as described in AttributeOptions.getAnnotations().
AnnotationOption(String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.AnnotationOption
Creates the annotation option.
annotations - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
appendCommaSeparated(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Adds a string to a comma separated list.
asComment - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
assertSupportedByBackends(String, Function<Backend, Boolean>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Checks that all backends support a given feature.
The feature validator is a Consumer that must return false or throw a RuntimeException if unsupported.
asWithers - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
AttributeNames - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate code to define the attribute- and relation-names of an entity.
AttributeNames() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.AttributeNames

B Link icon

builderAnnotation - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
builderPrefix - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet

C Link icon

cleanup() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
cleanupAnnotations() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
CodeGenerator<T> - Interface in org.tentackle.wurblet
Code generator for nested structures.
ColumnLengths - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate code to define the column lengths.
ColumnLengths() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.ColumnLengths
ColumnNames - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate code to define the database column names.
ColumnNames() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.ColumnNames
ComponentInfo - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Describes the join to a component's attribute.
ComponentInfo(ModelWurblet, Entity) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.ComponentInfo
Creates info for a component.
CONDITION - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
An Attribute that must meet a condition.
create(List<Join>, List<JoinPath>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPathFactory
create(List<Join>, JoinPath) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPathFactory
createAccessorCode(Entity, String, boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Creates the java code to access an attribute or column.
Relations are separated by dots.
createArgument(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Creates a wurblet argument.
createComponentInfo(Entity) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Creates the component info for a given component.
createDeclaredArgsForSelectOrDeleteMethod(Relation) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Creates the method argument declaration for the select or delete method.
createListRelationDeleteMethodName(Relation) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Creates the method name to select a relation.
createPaths(List<WurbletArgument>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPathFactory
Creates a list of consolidated paths from wurblet arguments.
Identical leading path segments are consolidated to a single path with child paths.
createReader(URL) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.TentackleWurbletsModel
createRelationSelectMethodName(Relation) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Creates the method name to select a relation.

D Link icon

delete - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
deriveClassNameForEntity(Entity) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Applies the semantics of AbstractJavaWurblet.getClassName() to another entity.
determinePackageName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Determines the package name of a class from the source contents.
This is done by scanning the import statements.
Rather costly.
DomainMethods - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate domain method definitions.
DomainMethods() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.DomainMethods
DTO - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) DTO creates code for a data transfer object.
DTO() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTO
DTOWurblet - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Base class for the @DTO-wurblet.
DTOWurblet() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
DTOWurblet.Property - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
DTO property.

E Link icon

equals(Object) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
equals(Object) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation
EXTRA - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
An extra Attribute.
Usually used for SQL UPDATE.

F Link icon

filename - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
filename - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
findJoin(List<WurbletRelation>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
Find the join for given relation path.
findJoin(Entity) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
Finds the join for a given component.

G Link icon

generate(T) - Method in interface org.tentackle.wurblet.CodeGenerator
Generates code.
getAllArguments() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets all arguments.
getAnnotation() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.AnnotationOption
Gets the total annotation string without the optional modifier.
getAnnotationOptions(List<String>, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns the annotation options for all annotation strings provided by the model and a given annotation type.
getAnnotations() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getAnnotationType() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.AnnotationOption
Gets the annotation type without the at-sign and optional parameters.
getArgs() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the wurblet arguments.
getArgument() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
Gets the wurblet argument representing this join.
getArgumentType() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the argument type.
getArrayOperator() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Returns the array operator.
getAttribute() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the model attribute.
getBackends() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the backends that will be used.
Useful if a feature is used that may not be supported by all backends.
getBuilderName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getColumnIndex() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the datatype column index.
getColumnName(Attribute, int) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the column name.
getColumnNameConstant(Attribute, int) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the name of the string constant for a database column name.
getComment() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getComponent() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the component that prepends the relation path.
getConstant() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getDataType() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the effective datatype of the attribute.
getEffectiveDataType(Attribute) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the effective datatype.
The effective type may be different if type is a Convertible.
getElements() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
getEmbeddedTableAttributes() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Determines all embedded attributes for the table of the entity.
getEmbeddingColumnPrefix() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the column prefix for nested embedded relations.
getEmbeddingGetterPrefix() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the getter prefix for nested embedded relations.
getEmbeddingPath() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the embedding relation path to the attribute.
Starts at the embedding entity.
getEmbeddingPrefixCount() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the embedding prefix count.
The embedding prefixes are only necessary for chained embedding relations, i.e.
getEntity() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the model entity.
getEntity() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the entity the wurblet is applied to.
getEntity() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the entity the wurblet is applied to.
getExistsComponents() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the components for the current SQL EXISTS clause.
getExistsRelations() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Sets the relations used within the current SQL EXISTS clause.
getExpression() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the where expression.
getExpressionArguments() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets all arguments part of the expression.
getExpressionRelations() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the compacted relation path starting with the last component relation in chain, if any.
getExtraArguments() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the extra arguments.
Those are not part of the expression and not sorting arguments.
getExtraClassName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ComponentInfo
Returns the extra classname to be joined by id.
Necessary for multi-table inherited joins if attribute belongs to child class.
getFilter() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation
Gets the optional filter string.
getFromName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getGetterName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getHashCodeInvocation() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getIndex() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the index within the wurblet anchor.
getJdbcValue() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the value to be used in JDBC prepared statements.
getJoinArguments() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the join arguments.
getJoinedEntity() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ComponentInfo
Gets the entity to join (right side of the join).
getJoinPaths() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the consolidated relation paths for the join arguments.
getLineNo() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getLoadingException() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.TentackleWurbletsModel
Gets the exception that occurred during the initial loading of the model.
getMergedPaths() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Gets the paths for wurblet arguments which can be expressed in a single SQL EXISTS clause.
The returned list is empty, if there are no paths at all or each argument needs its own EXISTS clause.
getMethodArgumentName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the effective name of the method argument.
This is ether the optionally defined [name] or the name of the Attribute.
getMethodArguments() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the method arguments.
getMethodName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the methodname.
From the guardname or from arg "--method=<.....>" if present.
getModelDefaults() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the optional model defaults.
getModelDirName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the name of the model directory.
getModelName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the name of the modelfile.
getName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
Gets the name of the join.
getName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the optional name of the method argument.
getNonPrimitiveJavaType(Attribute) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the non-primitive java type string of an attribute.
getOperands() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Gets the n operands.
getOperators() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Gets the n-1 operators.
getOption(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the option if set.
Options come in two flavours: without a value.
getOptionArgs() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the wurblet options.
The options got the leading '--' removed.
getParent() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Gets the parent expression.
getParser() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation
Gets the optional parser that has been applied to the filter string.
getPaths() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
getPdoClassName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the pdo/operation class from the source.
Looks for annotations @DomainObjectService, @PersistentObjectService, @DomainOperationService, @PersistentOperationService and interface extensions.
getRelation() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation
Gets the model relation.
getRelop() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the relational operator.
getRootIdClassName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ComponentInfo
Gets the implementing classname holding the root id.
getRootIdColumnName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ComponentInfo
Gets the column name holding the rootid.
getScope() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getScopeAsKeyword() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getSetterName() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getSortingArguments() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Gets the sorting arguments.
getSortType() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the sorting type if this a sorting criteria argument.
getSql() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
Gets the Backend.SQL_... code.
getText() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the original text.
getText() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
Gets the sql text.
getType() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
getValue() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the predefined value.
getWurbletArgs() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Gets the wurblet arguments.
All arguments except the options.
getWurbletRelation() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
Gets the relation wrapped by this load join.
getWurbletRelations() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Gets the relation path.

H Link icon

hashCode() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
hashCode() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation

I Link icon

Include - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Includes another file.
Include() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.Include
IncludeWurblet - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Base class for the @Include-wurblet.
IncludeWurblet() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
Inject - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Injects code from the argument list.
Inject() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.Inject
isArray() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Returns whether argument must be treated as an array.
isAttributeAllowed() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether an Attribute is allowed.
isAttributeDerived(Attribute) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Checks whether attribute is derived from a superclass.
isAttributeOptional() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether an Attribute may be given optionally.
isAttributeRequired() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether an Attribute is required.
isEndOfExistsClause() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Returns whether this is the last argument of the current SQL EXISTS clause.
isExtraJoinNecessary() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ComponentInfo
Returns whether the joined attribute belongs to another table than that holding the rootid.
isFiltered(boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
Returns whether at least one join path contains a filter expression.
isGenerified() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns whether the class is defined using java generics.
isHidden() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.AnnotationOption
Returns whether this is a hidden annotation.
isIdAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Checks whether attribute is the pdo ID.
isIdOrSerialAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Checks whether attribute is the pdo ID or serial.
isInherited() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
isInterface() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns whether wurblet is defined within an interface.
Only valid if isPdo() returns non-null.
isMethodArgument() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Returns whether this is a method argument.
isMutable() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
isMuteOptionSet(Entity) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns whether at least one of the mapped attributes has the [MUTE]-option set.
isNameOptional() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether the name of the method argument is optional.
isOperation() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns whether wurblet located within an operation.
isPartOfInheritanceHierarchy() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns whether the entity is part of an inheritance tree.
isPath() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Returns whether argument points to another entity.
isPathAllowed() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether a Relation path is allowed.
isPathOptional() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether a Relation path may be given optionally.
isPathRequired() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether a Relation path is required.
isPdo() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns whether wurblet located within a pdo.
isPrimitive() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
isRelopOptional() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns whether the relop is optional.
isRemote() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Returns true if --remote option set.
isRequired() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
isSerialAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Checks whether attribute is the pdo serial.
isSetterAndGetter() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.AnnotationOption
Returns whether setter and getter annotation.
isSetterOnly() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.AnnotationOption
Returns whether setter annotation only.
isTransient() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
isValueLiterally() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
fixed value (directly put into sql-statement).
isWithFrom() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property

J Link icon

Join - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
A load join.
Join(WurbletRelation, WurbletArgument) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
Creates an unnamed load join.
JOIN - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
A Relation that will be joined and eagerly loaded.
JoinPath - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Path of Joins.
JoinPath(List<Join>, List<JoinPath>) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
Creates a relation path.
JoinPath(Join, List<JoinPath>) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
Creates a normalized relation path.
JoinPathFactory - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Factory for relation paths.
JoinPathFactory() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPathFactory

M Link icon

Methods - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate getter and setter definitions of an entity.
Methods() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.Methods
missingOk - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
ModelComment - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate a comment to document the relations and usage of the entity.
ModelComment() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelComment
ModelCommentSupport - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Support methods for model comment.
modelSourceLine - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
modelSourceName - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
ModelWurblet - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Extended AbstractJavaWurblet providing basic functionality for the persistent object model.
ModelWurblet() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Creates a wurblet.

N Link icon

needConstructor - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
needParenthesesAfterAndOperator() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Returns whether expression must be enclosed in parentheses after an AND operator.
normalize() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
Normalizes the join and all subjoins.
A normalized join contains only a single element.
NOT - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
logical NOT at the beginning of an expression.
nott - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet

O Link icon

OR - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
logical OR.
orderByInheritanceLevelAndClassId(List<Entity>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Sorts the given list of entities by inheritance level plus classid.
org.tentackle.wurblet - package org.tentackle.wurblet
Tentackle wurblet support.
ORNOT - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
OR NOT combined as a single pseudo-operator.

P Link icon

prependCommaSeparated(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Prepends a string to a comma separated list.
printComponents(Set<Relation>, Collection<Relation>, Collection<Entity>, String, PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelCommentSupport
Recursively prints the components and sub-entities of an entity.
printNonCompositeRelations(Entity, List<Relation>, boolean, String, PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelCommentSupport
Prints outgoing non-composite relations from components.
printReferencedBy(Entity, Relation, String, PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelCommentSupport
Prints the referencing relation.
printSubEntities(Collection<Entity>, String, PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelCommentSupport
Recursively prints the sub-entities of an entity.
printVia(Relation, PrintStream) - Static method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelCommentSupport
Prints the attribute holding the link.
properties - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
Property(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property
Property(RecordDTOInfoParameter) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet.Property

R Link icon

Relations - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate relation method definitions of an entity.
Relations() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.Relations
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.AttributeNames
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ColumnLengths
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ColumnNames
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DomainMethods
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTO
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Include
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Inject
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Methods
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelComment
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Relations
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.UniqueDomainKey

S Link icon

setEndOfExistsClause(boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Sets whether this is the last argument of the current SQL EXISTS clause.
setExistsComponents(Set<Entity>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Sets the components for the current SQL EXISTS clause.
setExistsRelations(Set<Relation>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Sets the relations used within the current SQL EXISTS clause.
setLoadingException(WurbelException) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.TentackleWurbletsModel
Sets the exception that occurred during the initial loading of the model.
setName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
Sets the name of the join.
setRemote(boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.ModelWurblet
Sets the remote option explicitly.
SORT - Enum constant in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
An Attribute used for sorting.
superClass - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet

T Link icon

TentackleWurbletsModel - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Extended model aware of heap-files and global loading exception.
TentackleWurbletsModel() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.TentackleWurbletsModel
Creates a model.
toCode(CodeGenerator<Object>) - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Generates the code.
toInternal(String) - Static method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
Determines the operator from a string.
Case doesn't matter.
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.Join
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.JoinPath
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
toString() - Method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation
translate - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.IncludeWurblet

U Link icon

UniqueDomainKey - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
(@wurblet) Generate unique domain key class for an entity.
UniqueDomainKey() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.UniqueDomainKey

V Link icon

validate - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

W Link icon

withBuilder - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
withEquals - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
withFrom - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
withHashCode - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
withNames - Variable in class org.tentackle.wurblet.DTOWurblet
WurbletArgument - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
A wurblet argument.
WurbletArgument(Entity, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgument
Constructs a wurblet argument.
WurbletArgumentExpression - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
An expression of wurblet arguments or other expressions.
WurbletArgumentExpression(WurbletArgumentExpression) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentExpression
Creates a new expression.
WurbletArgumentOperand - Interface in org.tentackle.wurblet
An operand within a WurbletArgumentExpression.
WurbletArgumentOperator - Enum Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Logical operator for WurbletArgumentExpression.
WurbletArgumentParser - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
Parses the wurblet arguments.
The parser analyzes all regular wurblet arguments, i.e. without the options (starting with --).
WurbletArgumentParser(Entity, boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletArgumentParser
Creates a parser.
WurbletArgumentType - Enum Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
The WurbletArgument type.
WurbletRelation - Class in org.tentackle.wurblet
A relation within a WurbletArgument.
Describes an element of a path to an attribute or entity.
WurbletRelation(Relation, String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.wurblet.WurbletRelation
Creates a wurblet relation.
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