All Classes and Interfaces

Maps the annotation string of the model.
Implements the modifiers as described in AttributeOptions.getAnnotations().
(@wurblet) Generate code to define the attribute- and relation-names of an entity.
Code generator for nested structures.
(@wurblet) Generate code to define the column lengths.
(@wurblet) Generate code to define the database column names.
Describes the join to a component's attribute.
(@wurblet) Generate domain method definitions.
(@wurblet) DTO creates code for a data transfer object.
Base class for the @DTO-wurblet.
(@wurblet) Includes another file.
Base class for the @Include-wurblet.
(@wurblet) Injects code from the argument list.
A load join.
Path of Joins.
Factory for relation paths.
(@wurblet) Generate getter and setter definitions of an entity.
(@wurblet) Generate a comment to document the relations and usage of the entity.
Support methods for model comment.
Extended AbstractJavaWurblet providing basic functionality for the persistent object model.
(@wurblet) Generate relation method definitions of an entity.
Extended model aware of heap-files and global loading exception.
(@wurblet) Generate unique domain key class for an entity.
A wurblet argument.
An expression of wurblet arguments or other expressions.
An operand within a WurbletArgumentExpression.
Logical operator for WurbletArgumentExpression.
Parses the wurblet arguments.
The parser analyzes all regular wurblet arguments, i.e. without the options (starting with --).
The WurbletArgument type.
A relation within a WurbletArgument.
Describes an element of a path to an attribute or entity.