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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


absolute() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Gets the absolute value.
absolute() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
add(BMoney) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Adds a BMoney to this value and returns a new object.
add(BMoney) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
addExplicitClassLoader(String, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Adds an explicit classloader for a given service path and name.
Loaders are kept in a linked list for each path and name combination.
addExplicitClassLoaderImpl(String, String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Adds an explicit classloader for a given service path and name.
Loaders are kept in a linked list for each path and name combination.
alignScale(BMoney) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Check the scale of the given money value.
AN_CLASSID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name class-ID.
AN_EDITEDBY - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name of the editing user.
AN_EDITEDEXPIRY - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name of time "lock token" will expire.
AN_EDITEDSINCE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name of time editing started.
AN_ID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name of ID.
AN_NORMTEXT - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name for the normtext.
AN_ROOTCLASSID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name root-class-ID.
AN_ROOTID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name root-ID.
AN_SERIAL - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name of serial.
AN_TABLESERIAL - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
java name of tableserial.
Analyze - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.
AnnotationProcessor - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
appliesTo(Throwable) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper.Handler
Checks if handler applies to the given exception.
apply(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts a string.
Provided for the tentackle-maven-plugin.
apply(Locale, String, LinkedHashMap<Locale, String>, Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Applies a translation to an existing map and default locale.
applyResourceIndex(ClassLoader, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Apply a given resource index.
The index is usually created via the tentackle-maven-plugin's analyze goal with the index option set to something like "META-INF/RESOURCES-INDEX.LIST".
applyResourceIndexImpl(ClassLoader, String, boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Apply a given resource index.
The index is usually created via the tentackle-maven-plugin's analyze goal with the index option set to something like "META-INF/RESOURCES-INDEX.LIST".
arg(Object...) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Adds arguments.
assertCurrentLocaleValid() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Asserts that a thread-local Locale is set.


BACKEND_APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
Application name.
By default, the application name is determined from the main class.
BACKEND_AUTOLOGIN - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
property key to enable autologin (only for desktop applications).
BACKEND_DRIVER - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
explicit driver name and url to load it from <name:url>.
BACKEND_INFO - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
Optional backend configuration.
Useful to define extra technical user credentials for the physical connection, to load JDBC-drivers at runtime or to switch between different backends.
BACKEND_INFO_SYSTEM - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
Value of backendinfo to allow selecting the backend (see Login in fx-rdc) using system preferences.
If the value is followed by a colon and a name, that name is treated as the BackendConfiguration.
BACKEND_INFO_USER - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
Value of backendinfo to allow selecting the backend (see Login in fx-rdc) using user preferences.
If the value is followed by a colon and a name, that name is treated as the BackendConfiguration.
BACKEND_JDBC_URL_INTRO - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
intro in URL to denote a JDBC connection.
BACKEND_JNDI_URL_INTRO - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
intro in URL to denote a JNDI connection.
BACKEND_KEEP_ALIVE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
send a keep alive select every BACKEND_TIMEOUT minutes.
BACKEND_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
property key for the password.
BACKEND_PROPS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of property file holding the backend properties.
BACKEND_RMI_URL_INTRO - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
intro in URL to denote a remote connection.
BACKEND_SCHEMAS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
property key for the optional schemas.
BACKEND_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
database connection inactivity timeout in minutes.
BACKEND_URL - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
property key for the backend URL.
BACKEND_USER - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
property key for username.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Gets the decimal value.
Binary<T> - Class in org.tentackle.common
Datatype for storing arbitrary (binary) data in a database.
Binary() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Creates an empty binary.
Binary(T) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Creates a Binary from a Serializable.
BIND_AUTOSELECT - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option autoselect field.
BIND_COLS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option COLS = ...
BIND_DIGITS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option digits only.
BIND_LC - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option lowercase.
BIND_LINES - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option LINES = ...
BIND_MAXCOLS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option MAXCOLS = ...
BIND_SCALE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option SCALE = ...
BIND_UC - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option uppercase.
BIND_UNSIGNED - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind option UNSIGNED.
BIND_UTC - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
bind timestamp with UTC option.
blank(char[]) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Null-safe char array filler.
Fills with blanks.
BMoney - Class in org.tentackle.common
Money value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.
BMoney() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a zero BMoney with a scale according to the currency of the current locale.
BMoney(double, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a BMoney value.
BMoney(int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a zero BMoney value.
BMoney(String, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a BMoney value.
BMoney(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a BMoney from a BigDecimal.
BMoney(BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a BMoney value from a BigInteger.
The scale sets the comma within the given integer.
BMoney(BMoney, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Creates a BMoney from a BMoney (useful to rescale)
BMONEY_DIGITS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
maximum number of significant digits for BMoney.
Bundle - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.
BUNDLE_SERVICE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.BundleSupport
The service name to find all annotations to mark classes as bundles.
Such as @Bundle or @FxControllerService.
BUNDLE_SERVICE_PATH - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
the directory for resource bundle names.
BundleFactory - Interface in org.tentackle.common
The resource bundle factory.
BundleSupport - Class in org.tentackle.common
Support to locate bundle services.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.
BundleSupport(ModuleInfo, String, String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.BundleSupport
Creates a bundle support object.


camelCaseToDelimited(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a camelCase string to a string with delimiters.
charAt(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
chars() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
charToEscaped(char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a character that followed a backslash to an escaped character.
The special escapes are:
classLoader() - Method in record class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinderKey
Returns the value of the classLoader record component.
ClasspathFirst - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to override a service on the modulepath from the classpath.
clear() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Clears arguments and results.
clearCache() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Clears the bundle cache.
clearCache() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
clone() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
clone() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Clones a BMoney value.
clone() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
clone() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
clone() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
clone() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
CN_CLASSID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of class-ID column.
CN_EDITEDBY - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
the object ID of the user currently editing this object.
CN_EDITEDEXPIRY - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
time when "lock token" will expire.
CN_EDITEDSINCE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
time when editing started.
CN_ID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of ID column.
CN_NORMTEXT - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
column name for the normtext.
CN_ROOTCLASSID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of root-class-ID column.
CN_ROOTID - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of root-ID column.
CN_SERIAL - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of serial column.
CN_TABLESERIAL - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name of tableserial column.
codePoints() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
CommonCommonBundle - Class in org.tentackle.common
Bundle for common-package in tentackle-common.
compare(T, T) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Compare
Compares two objects.
null is being treated as smallest value.
Compare - Class in org.tentackle.common
Some handy static null-safe methods to compare two Comparables.
compareTo(I18NText) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
compareWithNullLargest(T, T) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Compare
Compares two objects.
null is being treated as largest value.
concatenateMessages(Throwable) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Concatenates the messages of an exception chain.
Constants - Class in org.tentackle.common
Class holding constants for build- and runtime.
copy(File, File) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Copies a file.
copyDirectory(File, File, boolean, FileFilter) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Copies all files from one directory to another.
countOccurrences(String, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Counts the number of occurrences of a given character in a string.
create(List<E>, List<P>) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.PathFactory
Creates a new path from elements and continuation paths.
create(List<E>, P) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.PathFactory
Creates a new path by prepending elements to an existing path.
createBinary(InputStream, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Creates a Binary out of an InputStream.
createFrozen(long) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
Creates a frozen date.
createFrozen(long) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
Creates a frozen time.
createFrozen(long, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Creates a frozen timestamp.
createInputStream(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Creates an input stream from a resource.
createNameMap(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Creates a map of classnames to mapped services.
createNameMap(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Creates a map of names to mapped services.
createNameMapToAll(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Creates a map of names to all mapped services.
createNameMapToAll(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Creates a map of names to all mapped services.
createProviders() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
Creates a list of providers.
createSecretKeySpec(byte[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Creates the key spec.
The default implementation returns an AES spec.
createService(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Utility method to create a service instance.
This is the standard way to instantiate singletons.
createService(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Utility method to create a service instance with a default if not found.
createService(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>, boolean) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Utility method to create a service instance with a default if not found.
createServiceClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Utility method to create a service instance.
This is the standard way to instantiate singletons.
Cryptor - Class in org.tentackle.common
A simple en- and decryptor.
Each application should provide a concrete instance with a confidential salt and passphase and a no-arg constructor.
Cryptor(byte[], char[]) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Creates a cryptor with 1024 iterations and a key strength of 256.
Notice that salt and passphrase will be scratched for security reasons.
Cryptor(byte[], char[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Creates a cryptor.
Notice that salt and passphrase will be scratched for security reasons.
Cryptor(String, String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Creates a cryptor with 1024 iterations and a key strength of 256.
This is just a convenience method.


Date - Class in org.tentackle.common
Date with database semantics.
Date() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Date
Creates the current date.
Date(long) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Date
Constructs a Date object using the given milliseconds time value.
DATE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Version
the build timestamp
DateHelper - Class in org.tentackle.common
Some common methods for date- and time-related types based on Date.
DAY_MS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
a day in milliseconds.
daytime() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current time.
daytime(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current time with an offset.
decrypt(byte[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Decrypts the data.
decrypt64(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Decrypts a base64 encoded string.
decrypt64ToBytes(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Decrypts a base64 encoded string.
decrypt64ToChars(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Decrypts a base64 encoded string.
The method clears all traces in memory.
decryptToChars(byte[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Decrypts encrypted data to chars.
DEFAULT_METHODNAME - Static variable in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.RemoteMethod
Fixed string for the actual method name.
DEFAULT_SERVICE_PATH - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
the directory for default service provider configurations.
DefaultBundleFactory - Class in org.tentackle.common
Default implementation of a bundle factory.
DefaultBundleFactory() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
Creates the bundle factory.
DefaultServiceFinder - Class in org.tentackle.common
Default implementation of a ServiceFinder.
DefaultServiceFinder() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Creates a default service finder.
The classloader used is Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
The servicepath is "META_INF/services/".
DefaultServiceFinder(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Creates a service finder.
DefaultServiceFinder(String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Creates a default service finder.
The classloader used is Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
DefaultStringNormalizer - Class in org.tentackle.common
The default normalizer (works sufficiently for most western languages).
DefaultStringNormalizer() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DefaultStringNormalizer
Creates normalizer.
With a comma as the field separator and space as word separator.
DefaultStringNormalizer(char, char) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DefaultStringNormalizer
Creates a normalizer.
derive4DigitYearFrom2DigitYear(int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Derives a 4-digit from a 2-digit year referring to the current year and using a year window of 50.
derive4DigitYearFrom2DigitYear(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Derives a 4-digit from a 2-digit year.
deriveMonthFromDay(int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Derives the month from a day referring to the current date and a dayWindow of 15.
deriveMonthFromDay(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Derives the month from a day.
deriveURL(String, String[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Derive the unencrypted URL.
The URL is considered to be encrypted, if started with a fake protocol unsupported by the application in the given context.
deriveYearFromMonth(int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Derives the year from a month referring to the current date and a monthWindow of 6.
deriveYearFromMonth(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Derives the year from a month.
DIGITS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
All digits in a string.
digitToString(Character) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the word-string for a digit.
divide(double) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Divides a BMoney by double and returns a new object.
divide(double) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
divide(BMoney) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Divides a BMoney by this value and returns a new object.
DMoney - Class in org.tentackle.common
A DMoney is the same as a BMoney but will be treated differently when stored in the database.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.
DMoney() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a zero DMoney with a scale according to the currency of the current locale.
DMoney(double, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a DMoney value.
DMoney(int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a zero DMoney value.
DMoney(String, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a DMoney value.
DMoney(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a DMoney from a BigDecimal.
DMoney(BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a DMoney value from a BigInteger.
The scale sets the comma within the given integer.
DMoney(BMoney, int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
Creates a DMoney from a BMoney (useful to rescale)
DMONEY_DIGITS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
maximum number of significant digits for DMoney.
download(URL) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Downloads data from a URL into memory.


encrypt(byte[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts the data.
encrypt(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts the data.
encrypt(char[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts a char array.
The method clears all traces in memory, including the passed char array.
encrypt64(byte[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts data to base64 encoding.
encrypt64(char[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts a char array to base64 encoding.
The method clears all traces in memory, including the passed char array.
encrypt64(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Encrypts a string to base64 encoding.
EncryptedProperties - Class in org.tentackle.common
Encrypted Properties.
If a value starts with a ~ (tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specific Cryptor.
EncryptedProperties() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Creates an empty property list.
EncryptedProperties(int) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Creates an empty property list with an initial size.
endsWithAnyOf(String, String...) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Same as String.endsWith(String), but for more multiple suffixes.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
equals(Object) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinderKey
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equalsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
escapedToString(char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts an escape character to a parsable string.
The special escapes are:
evaluate(String, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Evaluates a string replacing variables.
The semantics are very much the same as known from the maven resources plugin, but with the extension of optional default values and that @ turns off nested variable processing.
ExceptionHelper - Class in org.tentackle.common
Helper methods dealing with exceptions.
ExceptionHelper.Handler<T> - Class in org.tentackle.common
Exception handler.
extractException(boolean, Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>...) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Extracts any of the given exception types from an exception chain.
extractException(Class<T>, boolean, Throwable) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Extracts the given exception type from an exception chain.
extractTemporaryException(boolean, Throwable) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Extracts the first/last TentackleRuntimeException marked as temporary in the throwable chain.


FileHelper - Class in org.tentackle.common
Helper methods for file handling.
fill(char[], char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Null-safe char array filler.
fillLeft(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Fills up a string from the left with a filler character to match a given length.
If the string is already longer, nothing happens.
fillRight(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Fills up a string to the right with a filler character to match a given length.
If the string is already longer, nothing happens.
filterStackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Filters a given stacktrace skipping all noisy elements without relevant information for the developer.
filterUpperCase(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the uppercase letters only.
Useful to get the camel case letters of a string.
find(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolFinder
Finds the file of a tool's executable.
findBundle(String, Locale) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Finds a resource bundle using the specified base name and locale, and the caller's class loader.
findBundle(String, Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
findBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Finds a resource bundle using the specified base name, locale, and class loader.
findBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
findFirstServiceConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds the first service configurations by service name.
If similar configurations appear more than once on the classpath, the first is returned.
findFirstServiceConfiguration(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds the first service configurations by service name.
If similar configurations appear more than once on the classpath, the first is returned.
findFirstServiceProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds the first service provider by service name.
If similar configurations appear more than once on the classpath, the first is returned.
findFirstServiceProvider(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds the first service provider by service name.
If similar configurations appear more than once on the classpath, the first is returned.
findServiceConfigurations(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds service configurations by service name.
Iterations over the returned map are ordered by discovery along the classpath.
findServiceConfigurations(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds service configurations by service name.
Iterations over the returned map are ordered by discovery along the classpath.
findServiceProviders(Class<T>) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds the service providers by service names.
findServiceProviders(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds the service providers by service names.
findServiceURLs(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds URLs of a service by name.
findServiceURLs(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds URLs of a service by name.
findUniqueServiceConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds a unique service configurations by service name.
It is checked that the service is defined exactly once.
findUniqueServiceConfiguration(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds a unique service configurations by service name.
It is checked that the service is defined exactly once.
findUniqueServiceProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Finds the unique service provider by service class.
findUniqueServiceProvider(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Finds the unique service provider by service name.
firstBefore(String, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the part of a string before a given delimiter.
firstLine(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the first line from a multi-line string.
firstToLower(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts the first character of string to uppercase.
firstToUpper(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts the first character of string to uppercase.
Freezable - Interface in org.tentackle.common
A freezable object.
freeze() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
freeze() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
freeze() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.Freezable
Makes this object immutable.
freeze() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
freeze() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
freeze(Freezable) - Static method in interface org.tentackle.common.Freezable
Freezes a value object null-safe.
Method provided to reduce generated code.
fromTag(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Converts a tag to a supported locale.


get() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Gets the translation for the current locale.
get(Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Gets the translation for the given locale.
getArchitecture() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the name of the architecture from the system properties.
getBundle() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.CommonCommonBundle
Gets the bundle.
getBundle(String) - Static method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name, the default locale, and the caller's class loader.
Replacement for ResourceBundle.getBundle(java.lang.String).
getBundle(String, Locale) - Static method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name and locale, and the caller's class loader.
Replacement for ResourceBundle.getBundle(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale).
getBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Static method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name, locale, and class loader.
Replacement for ResourceBundle.getBundle(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale, java.lang.ClassLoader).
getBundle(BundleSupport, Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
Gets the bundle from the corresponding module according to the bundle support.
getBundleName() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BundleSupport
Gets the bundle name.
getBundles(ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.BundleSupport
Finds all bundle services.
getCipher() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Gets the cipher instance.
The default implementation returns an AES cipher.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Gets the classloader to load the bundles.
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Gets the classloader used by this finder.
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the default classloader.
The classloader to use is determined as follows: use the fixed classloader set by ServiceFactory.setFixedClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader), if not null else try Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() if the context classloader is null, use the classloader that loaded the service factory
getClassLoader() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Gets the default classloader used by this finder.
getClassLoader(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Gets the classloader for the given service name.
getClassLoader(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the classloader for a given service path and name.
If an explicit classloader is set, the last defined classloader for the given path and name is returned.
getClassLoaderImpl(String, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the classloader for a given service path and name.
If an explicit classloader is set, the last defined classloader for the given path and name is returned.
getClassName() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BundleSupport
Gets the name of the annotated class.
getContinuedLine(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Checks whether given string introduces a continuation line.
getControl(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Gets the control to load the bundle.
getControl(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
getCurrentDay() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current day.
getCurrentLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Gets the locale used by the current thread.
getCurrentMonth() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current month.
getCurrentYear() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current year.
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Gets the current default locale.
getEffectiveInitialLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Gets the effective initial locale on startup of the JVM.
getEffectiveLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Gets the effective locale for the current locale.
getEffectiveLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Gets the effective locale.
This is application-specific and allows narrowing the locales to the effectively supported locales.
getEffectiveLocales() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Returns an unmodifiable list of all supported effective locales.
getElements() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.Path
Gets the elements describing the path.
getEncodingCharset() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Settings
Gets the encoding used to read and write files.
Usually set by the maven plugins from "".
getErrCode() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Gets the error code.
getErrors() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Gets the standard error output.
getErrorsAsString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Gets the standard error output.
getExplicitClassLoader(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the explicit classloader for a given service path and name.
getExplicitClassLoaderImpl(String, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the explicit classloader for a given service path and name.
getFactoryClassloader() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the classloader to load the service factory.
getFactoryClassname() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the classname of the service factory.
getFallbackLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Returns the fallback locale.
If there is no translation provided for a given locale, the resource bundles eventually fall back to the "no-locale" translation.
In most cases this corresponds to the "en"-locale (Locale.ENGLISH), but applications can change this by overriding this method.
getFinderMap() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the finder map.
Allows applications to modify or add finders programmatically.
The map is threadsafe.
getFixedClassLoader() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the fixed classloader.
getHook() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Gets the module hook.
getInitialLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Gets the initial locale on startup of the JVM.
getInputStream() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Gets the stream to store the Binary in the database.
getInstance() - Static method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
The singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Gets the optional application specific cryptor singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
The singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
The naming rules singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in interface org.tentackle.common.StringNormalizer
The singleton.
getInstanceSafely() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Gets the application specific cryptor singleton.
Throws a TentackleRuntimeException if no cryptor defined.
getKeyIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Gets the case-sensitive key.
getKeyPrefix() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Gets the key prefix.
getLength() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Gets the length in bytes of this Binary.
getLocale() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Gets the locale.
getMaxLogCollectionSize() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the size limit of collections to be logged.
getMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Determines the first exception in the chain with a valid message.
getModule() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Gets the module.
getModuleInfo() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BundleSupport
Gets the module info.
getModuleInfo(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
Gets the module info for a module name.
getModuleInfo(URL) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
Gets the module info for a given URL.
getModuleInfos() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
Gets the modules infos ordered by dependency.
Modules at the top of the dependency hierarchy come last, modules without further dependencies come first.
getName() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Gets the optional name of the properties.
getObject() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Retrieves the object encapsulated by the Binary.
getOperationDomainImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the domain implementation of an operation.
getOperationDomainInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the domain interface of an operation.
getOperationFromDomainImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the operation name from the name of a domain implementation.
getOperationFromDomainInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the operation name from the name of a domain interface.
getOperationFromPersistenceImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the operation name from the name of a persistence implementation.
getOperationFromPersistenceInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the operation name from the name of a persistence interface.
getOperationFromRemoteImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the operation name from the name of a remote implementation.
getOperationFromRemoteInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the operation name from the name of a remote interface.
getOperationPersistenceImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the persistence implementation of an operation.
getOperationPersistenceInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the persistence interface of an operation.
getOperationRemoteImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the remote implementation of an operation.
getOperationRemoteImplementationPackageName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the package name of the remote implementation of an operation.
getOperationRemoteInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the remote interface of an operation.
getOperationRemoteInterfacePackageName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the package name of the remote interface of an operation.
getOrdinal() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Gets the module ordinal.
Higher values come first in module order.
getOutput() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Gets the standard output.
getOutputAsString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Gets the standard output.
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Gets the value of a parameter.
getParameterNames() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Gets the parameter names.
getPaths() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.Path
Gets the sub paths starting at end of this path.
getPdoDomainImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the domain implementation of a PDO.
getPdoDomainInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the domain interface of a PDO.
getPdoFromDomainImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the PDO name from the name of a domain implementation.
getPdoFromDomainInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the PDO name from the name of a domain interface.
getPdoFromPersistenceImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the PDO name from the name of a persistence implementation.
getPdoFromPersistenceInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the PDO name from the name of a persistence interface.
getPdoFromRemoteImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the PDO name from the name of a remote implementation.
getPdoFromRemoteInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the PDO name from the name of a remote interface.
getPdoPersistenceImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the persistence implementation of a PDO.
getPdoPersistenceInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the persistence interface of a PDO.
getPdoRemoteImplementation(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the remote implementation of a PDO.
getPdoRemoteImplementationPackageName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the package name of the remote implementation of a PDO.
getPdoRemoteInterface(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the simple class name of the remote interface of a PDO.
getPdoRemoteInterfacePackageName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
Gets the package name of the remote interface of a PDO.
getPlainClassName(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets a classname without any optional generics.
getPlatform() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the name of the operating system from the system properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Searches for the property with the specified key in this property list.
If the key is not found in this property list, the default property list, and its defaults, recursively, are then checked.
getPropertyAsChars(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Gets the property as a character array.
Same as EncryptedProperties.getProperty(String), but returns an array.
getPropertyAsChars(String, char[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Gets the property as a character array with a default value.
getPropertyBlunt(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Gets the original value of the property.
If the value is encrypted, the encrypted value will be returned.
getPropertyIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Searches for the property with the specified key case insensitively.
Throws TentackleRuntimeException, if duplicate case-mapped keys found.
getProviders() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Gets the control providers.
Method can be used to add a provider explicitly.
getProviders() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
getRequiredModuleNames() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Gets the names of the required modules.
getSecretKeyFactory() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Cryptor
Gets the key factory.
The default implementation returns an instance of PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1.
getServiceFinder() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets a service finder.
If the finder does not exist yet, it will be created.
getServiceFinder(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets a service finder for a given classloader and service path.
If the finder does not exist yet, it will be created.
getServiceFinder(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets a service finder for a given service path.
If the finder does not exist yet, it will be created.
getServiceFinderClass() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets the class of the service finder.
getServiceFinderImpl() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets a service finder.
If the finder does not exist yet, it will be created.
getServiceFinderImpl(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets a service finder for a given classloader and service path.
If the finder does not exist yet, it will be created.
getServiceFinderImpl(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Gets a service finder for a given service path.
If the finder does not exist yet, it will be created.
getServicePath() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Gets the service path the finder is responsible for.
getServicePath() - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinder
Gets the finder's service path it is responsible for.
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Returns the stacktrace of a given exception as a string.
getString(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.CommonCommonBundle
Gets a string for the given key.
getTranslations() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Gets the mapping between locales and translations.
getUrlPath() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Gets the URL path of the hook's module.


handle(T) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper.Handler
Handles the exception.
handleException(boolean, Throwable, ExceptionHelper.Handler<? extends Throwable>...) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Extracts any of the given exception types from an exception chain.
Handler(Class<T>, Consumer<T>) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper.Handler
Creates an exception handler.
hash(String, char[], char[]) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Builds a hash from an array of chars.
Note that this method converts the characters to bytes via StringHelper.toBytes(char[]) before applying the hash.
hashCode() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
hashCode() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
hashCode() - Method in record class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinderKey
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HOUR_MS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
an hour in milliseconds.


I18NText - Class in org.tentackle.common
Multilingual text.
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype via org.tentackle.sql.datatypes.I18NTextType.
I18NText() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Creates a vacant I18NText.
I18NText(String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Creates an I18NText from a string in the current locale.
I18NText(LinkedHashMap<Locale, String>, Locale) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Protected constructor for internal use only.
I18NText(Locale, String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Creates an I18NText from a string for the given locale.
I18NText(ParameterString) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Creates an I18NText from a parameter string.
indexAnyOf(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Returns the first index of the given characters.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
The singleton.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
the singleton instance.
InterruptedRuntimeException - Exception Class in org.tentackle.common
Wraps a checked InterruptedException into a RuntimeException and sets the interrupted flag.
InterruptedRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.InterruptedRuntimeException
Constructs a new interrupt exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InterruptedRuntimeException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.InterruptedRuntimeException
Constructs a new interrupt exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
InterruptedRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.InterruptedRuntimeException
Constructs a new interrupt exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
invert() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Inverts this money value.
invert() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
isAllDigits(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
checks if a string contains only digits, i.e.
isAllDigits(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Checks if a string contains only digits or whitespaces, i.e.
isAllWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Checks if string contains only whitespaces.
isClassValuableForStackTrace(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ExceptionHelper
Checks if the class provides valuable information within a stacktrace.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
isFQCN(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Checks whether given string is a fully qualified classname (FQCN).
The class must belong to a package!
isLocaleSupported(Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Returns whether given locale is covered by the effective locales.
isNegative() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Checks if this money value is negative.
isPositive() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Checks if this money value is positive.
isReservedWord(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Returns whether given string is a reserved java keyword.
isTemporary() - Method in exception class org.tentackle.common.TentackleRuntimeException
Returns whether the cause is temporary and may disappear after some time.
isUTC() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Gets the UTC flag.
isVacant() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Returns whether there are valid translations at all.
isValidJavaClassName(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Checks that given string is a valid Java classname.
Both classnames with a full classpath or without are validated.
isValidJavaIdentifier(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Returns whether the given string is a valid java identifier.
isValidJavaPackageName(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Checks that given string is a valid Java package name.
This is very restrictive verification.
isZero() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Checks if this money value is zero.


lastAfter(String, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Gets the part of a string after a given delimiter.
length() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
levenshteinDistance(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Determines the Levenshtein distance of two strings.
Notice that for s1 and s2 null values are treated as empty strings.
loadProperties(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Loads properties.
Tries to load from filesystem first, then from classpath.
loadProperties(String, boolean, Properties) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Loads properties from a resource.
loadTool(File, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolFinder
Loads a tool by its name.
Tries OS specific suffixes.
LocaleProvider - Class in org.tentackle.common
A provider for Locales.
Supports thread-local locales and mapping of locales according to the application requirements.
LocaleProvider() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Creates a locale provider.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Version
Prints the build version and license.
MAPPED_SERVICE_PATH - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
the directory for mapped service provider configurations.
MappedService - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.
merge(List<P>) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.PathFactory
Merge paths to remove redundant path segments.
The returned consolidated paths form a hierarchical graph.
meta() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.Service
Determines whether the servicing class is the annotated class or the value of the annotated annotation.
Notice the difference between the serviced and servicing class!
meta() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceName
Determines whether the servicing class is the annotated class or the value of the annotated annotation.
Notice the difference between the serviced and servicing class!
META_INF - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
META-INF directory name.
META_SERVICE_PATH - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
the directory for meta service provider configurations.
method() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.MappedService
The method name of the mapped service that provides the value.
The default is "value".
method() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.Service
The method name of the mapped service that provides the value.
The default is "value".
method() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceName
The method name of the mapped service that provides the value.
The default is "value".
MIN_DATE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
epochal date zero: 1.1.1970 00:00:00 GMT
MIN_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
epochal timestamp zero: 1.1.1970 00:00:00.000 GMT
MINUTE_MS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
a minute in milliseconds.
ModuleHook - Interface in org.tentackle.common
Interface to determine the module hierarchy.
Provides a hook to access resources from within a module.
ModuleInfo - Class in org.tentackle.common
Holds information about a module.
ModuleInfo(ModuleHook) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Creates a module info.
ModuleOrdinal - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to override the module order for the ServiceFinder.
ModuleSorter - Class in org.tentackle.common
A dependency sorter for jigsaw modules.
ModuleSorter() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
Creates a module sorter and loads the module hierarchy.
multiply(double) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Multiplies this BMoney by a double and returns a new object.
multiply(double) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney


NAME_NONE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
name for "none".
NAME_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
unknown name.
NamingRules - Class in org.tentackle.common
Naming rules for classnames.
Used at runtime to determine the remote delegates, at build-time by some wurblets, and by the wizard to generate PDO- and operation sources.
Can be replaced via @Service for application-specific rules.
NamingRules() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.NamingRules
narrowLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Narrows the effective locale returned by the LocaleProvider further to language.
The LocaleProvider may allow wider locales for ResourceBundles, but for I18NText this would complicate things way too much.
In most applications, the LocaleProvider narrows to language anyway.
normalize(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultStringNormalizer
Normalizes a string (phonetically) for use as PDO.normText.
normalize(String) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.StringNormalizer
Normalizes a string (phonetically) for use as PDO.normText.
normalizeBasename(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
Normalizes the basename.
The name is usually a dotted classname or a slashed resource name without a leading slash.
normalizeLine(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Normalizes a line.
Trailing and leading spaces are ignored.
now() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current system time.
now(long) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets the current system time plus an optional offset.


objectArrayToString(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Creates a string from an object array.
objectToLoggableString(Object) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a value to a loggable string.
org.tentackle.common - module org.tentackle.common
tentackle-common module.
org.tentackle.common - package org.tentackle.common
Common classes for build- and runtime.


ParameterString - Class in org.tentackle.common
A string of parameters.
ParameterString() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Creates an empty parameter string.
ParameterString(String) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Creates a parameter string from its string representation.
parse(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Parses the external string representation.
parseString(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Parses a string.
The string may be enclosed in double- or single quotes which will be removed.
parseURL(URL, String, Map<String, URL>) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Parses a service URL.
The implementation assumes the provider configuration file in property-file format.
parseURLs(Collection<URL>, String, Map<String, URL>) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultServiceFinder
Parses an enumeration of URLs.
Path<P,E> - Interface in org.tentackle.common
Generic path to something.
PathFactory<P,E> - Interface in org.tentackle.common
A factory for Paths.
PROPS_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
extension for property files.


readTextFromResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Reads a textfile from a resource.
RecordDTO - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation for records that must be analyzed for code generation.
RELEASE - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Version
the artifact version
RemoteMethod - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation for manually written methods that must be remoting capable.
removeDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Removes a directory and all its contents recursively.
removeExplicitClassLoader(String, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Removes an explicit classloader for a given service path and name.
Loaders are kept in a linked list for each path and name combination.
removeExplicitClassLoaderImpl(String, String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Removes an explicit classloader for a given service path and name.
Loaders are kept in a linked list for each path and name combination.
removeTrailingText(String, String...) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Removes a trailing text from a string.
Stops when the first trailing string is found.
run() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Runs the tool.


SECOND_MS - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
a second in milliseconds.
Service - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
ServiceFactory - Class in org.tentackle.common
Factory for services based on ServiceFinder.
ServiceFactory() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Creates the factory.
ServiceFinder - Interface in org.tentackle.common
Finds service configurations.
ServiceFinderKey - Record Class in org.tentackle.common
Key to map service finders.
ServiceFinderKey(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for record class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinderKey
Creates an instance of a ServiceFinderKey record class.
ServiceName - Annotation Interface in org.tentackle.common
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Differs from @Service that the service can be some arbitrary name.
servicePath() - Method in record class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinderKey
Returns the value of the servicePath record component.
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.BundleFactory
Sets the classloader to load the bundles.
If set, this classloader will be used for BundleFactory.getBundle(java.lang.String) and BundleFactory.getBundle(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale).
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultBundleFactory
setCurrentLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Sets the locale used by the current thread.
The locale is stored as ThreadLocal.
setDate(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setDate(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setDate(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
setEncodingCharset(Charset) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Settings
Sets the encoding used to read and write files.
setEncryptedProperty(String, char[]) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Sets the property char array and stores it encrypted, if a Cryptor is available.
setEncryptedProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Sets the property string and stores it encrypted, if a Cryptor is available.
setFactoryClassloader(ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Sets the classloader to load the service factory.
setFactoryClassname(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Sets the classname of the service factory.
setFixedClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFactory
Sets the fixed classloader.
Default is Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
setHours(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setHours(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setHours(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
setKeyPrefix(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Sets a key prefix.
The prefix is prepended to the key for EncryptedProperties.getProperty(String) and alike.
setMaxLogCollectionSize(int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Sets the size limit of collections to be logged.
If an object is logged, and it is a collection and the size exceeds maxLogCollectionSize, only the number of items is logged in StringHelper.objectToLoggableString(java.lang.Object) instead of each item.
setMidnight(Calendar) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Sets the given calendar to midnight.
setMinutes(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setMinutes(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setMinutes(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
setName(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Sets the optional name of the properties.
The name can be used to express the source, for example the name of a properties file.
setNanos(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
setObject(T) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Binary
Sets the serializable.
setOrdinal(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
Sets the ordinal.
Higher values come first in module order.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Sets a parameter.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
setSeconds(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setSeconds(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setSeconds(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
setTemporary(boolean) - Method in exception class org.tentackle.common.TentackleRuntimeException
Sets the temporary flag.
The cause for a temporary exception may disappear after some time.
setTime(long) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setTime(long) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setTime(long) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Settings - Class in org.tentackle.common
Global settings.
setUTC(boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Sets the UTC flag.
setUTC(Timestamp, boolean) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Sets the UTC flag null-safe.
Method provided to reduce generated code.
setYear(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
setYear(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
setYear(int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
smallestPositive() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Returns the smallest positive value.
Ex.: if scale is 2 --> 0.01 will be returned.
smallestPositive() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
sort(Enumeration<URL>, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
Sorts an enumeration of urls according to the module hierarchy.
The highest module ordinal comes first.
split(String, String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Splits a string keeping strings together.
The strings may be enclosed in double- or single quotes which will not be removed.
startsWithAnyOf(String, int, String...) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Same as String.startsWith(String, int), but for more multiple prefixes.
startsWithAnyOf(String, String...) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Same as String.startsWith(String), but for more multiple prefixes.
StringHelper - Class in org.tentackle.common
Some handy methods for strings.
StringNormalizer - Interface in org.tentackle.common
Translates strings to a reduced char set.
stringPropertyNames() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.EncryptedProperties
Same as Properties.stringPropertyNames() but returns only those keys that belong to the keyPrefix space, if set.
stripEnclosingDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Strips enclosing double quotes.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
subtract(BMoney) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Subtracts a BMoney from this value and returns a new object.
subtract(BMoney) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DMoney
SUPPRESS_WARNINGS_STATEFUL_DOMAIN_LOGIC - Static variable in class org.tentackle.common.Constants
suppress warnings for suspicious stateful domain logic.


TentackleRuntimeException - Exception Class in org.tentackle.common
Tentackle runtime exception.
TentackleRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.TentackleRuntimeException
Constructs a new tentackle runtime exception with null as its detail message.
TentackleRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.TentackleRuntimeException
Constructs a new tentackle runtime exception with the specified detail message.
TentackleRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.TentackleRuntimeException
Constructs a new tentackle runtime exception with the specified detail message and cause.
TentackleRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.tentackle.common.TentackleRuntimeException
Constructs a new tentackle runtime exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ?
Time - Class in org.tentackle.common
Time with database semantics.
Time() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Time
Creates the current time.
Time(long) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Time
Constructs a Time object using a milliseconds time value.
Timestamp - Class in org.tentackle.common
Timestamp with UTC option.
Timestamp() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Creates the current timestamp.
Timestamp(long) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Constructs a Timestamp object using a milliseconds time value.
toAsciiLetterOrDigit(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts to string containing only the letters A-z or digits.
All other characters will be converted to an underscore.
toBytes(char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a single (unicode) char to a byte-array.
toBytes(char[]) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a char-array to a byte-array.
toCalendar(Date) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Creates a calendar for the given date.
The calendar is created using the thread-local locale, if set, else the default locale.
toCalendar(Time) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Creates a calendar for the given time.
The calendar is created using the thread-local locale, if set, else the default locale.
toCalendar(Timestamp) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Creates a calendar for the given timestamp.
The calendar is created using the thread-local locale, if set, else the default locale.
toCamelCase(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a dotted path to camelCase.
"alpha.beta.gamma" is converted to "alphaBetaGamma".
toCharArray(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Null-safe string to a char-array conversion.
toDate(Calendar) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a Calendar into a org.tentackle.misc.Date.
toDate(Date) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a java.util.Date into an org.tentackle.misc.Date.
today() - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Creates a calendar of the current date and time.
The calendar is created using the thread-local locale, if set, else the default locale.
today(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Gets with an offset.
toDoubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Takes a string, surrounds it with double-quotes and escapes all double-quotes already in the string according to Unix rules.
toFixedLength(String, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Takes a string and returns one with a given length, cutting or filling up with spaces, whatever appropriate.
toFixedLength(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Takes a string and returns one with a given length, cutting or filling up with fillchars, whatever appropriate.
toFixedLengthLeftFill(String, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Takes a string and returns one with a given length, cutting or filling up with spaces from the left, whatever appropriate.
toFixedLengthLeftFill(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Takes a string and returns one with a given length, cutting or filling up with fillchars from the left, whatever appropriate.
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Creates a human-readable hex-String out of a byte-array (e.g. from MessageDigest MD5sum).
toHTML(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a multiline string to an HTML-string that can be displayed in a label.
toLower(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a string to lowercase allowing null values.
The conversion is done with Locale.ROOT.
toMillis(Date) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a date to the epochal time in millis with null-check.
ToolFinder - Class in org.tentackle.common
Finds external tools to execute.
ToolFinder() - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ToolFinder
Creates a tool finder.
ToolRunner - Class in org.tentackle.common
Runner for external tools.
ToolRunner(File) - Constructor for class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
Creates a runner for a tool.
toParameterString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Creates a parameter string of the current translations.
toParsableString(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a string to a string parsable by StringHelper.parseString(java.lang.String).
toProperties() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
Converts a parameter string to a property list.
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleInfo
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ModuleSorter
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ParameterString
toString() - Method in record class org.tentackle.common.ServiceFinderKey
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.ToolRunner
toTag(Locale) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.LocaleProvider
Converts a locale to a tag.
Since there is no guarantee that Locale.toLanguageTag() and Locale.forLanguageTag(String) will round-trip, this method is provided to guarantee that at least for the supported locales.
toTime(Calendar) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a Calendar into a org.tentackle.misc.Time.
toTime(Date) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a java.util.Date into a org.tentackle.misc.Time.
toTimestamp(Calendar) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a Calendar into a org.tentackle.misc.Timestamp.
toTimestamp(Date) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.DateHelper
Converts a java.util.Date into a org.tentackle.misc.Timestamp.
toUpper(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Converts a string to uppercase allowing null values.
The conversion is done with Locale.ROOT.
toVarName(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Filters illegal chars for Java variable names.
toWords() - Method in class org.tentackle.common.BMoney
Converts a money value to a string of digits as words.
The digits after the comma are ignored.
trim(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Trims a string.
The method is null-safe.
trim(String, int) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Trims a string.
The method is null-safe.
trimLeft(String, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Cuts leading characters.
trimRight(String, char) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.StringHelper
Cuts trailing characters.


unDiacrit(String, boolean) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.DefaultStringNormalizer
unDiacrit(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.tentackle.common.StringNormalizer
Converts special unicode characters (so-called diacrits) to standard ascii.
Supports also special german and northern european "umlauts".
unzip(File, File, Consumer<File>) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.FileHelper
Unzips a zip file.


value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.Analyze
The classname of the handler.
Notice: we don't provide the class directly to avoid unnecessary runtime dependencies.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.Bundle
The optional bundle name.
Empty string if annotated class.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.ClasspathFirst
Gets the serviced class.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.MappedService
The classname of the service class.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.ModuleOrdinal
Gets the fixed ordinal.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.RemoteMethod
If methods with the same name exist in the same class, the wurblet can identify it by a special tag.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.Service
Gets the serviced class.
value() - Element in annotation interface org.tentackle.common.ServiceName
Gets the service name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Date
Converts a string into a date.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Creates an I18NText from a string in the current locale.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Time
Converts a string into a time.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class org.tentackle.common.Timestamp
Converts a string into a timestamp.
Version - Class in org.tentackle.common
Holds Tentackle versioning information.


with(String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Derives an I18NText object with a translation for the current locale.
with(Locale, String) - Method in class org.tentackle.common.I18NText
Derives an I18NText object with a translation for the given locale.
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W 
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