All Classes and Interfaces
Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
Datatype for storing arbitrary (binary) data in a database.
Money value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.
Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.
The resource bundle factory.
Support to locate bundle services.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.
Annotation to override a service on the modulepath from the classpath.
Bundle for common-package in tentackle-common.
Some handy static null-safe methods to compare two
s.Class holding constants for build- and runtime.
A simple en- and decryptor.
Each application should provide a concrete instance with a confidential salt and passphase and a no-arg constructor.
Each application should provide a concrete instance with a confidential salt and passphase and a no-arg constructor.
Date with database semantics.
Some common methods for date- and time-related types based on
.Default implementation of a bundle factory.
Default implementation of a
.The default normalizer (works sufficiently for most western languages).
A DMoney is the same as a BMoney but will be treated
differently when stored in the database.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.
If a value starts with a
.If a value starts with a
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be
encrypted by the application-specific Cryptor
.Helper methods dealing with exceptions.
Exception handler.
Helper methods for file handling.
A freezable object.
Multilingual text.
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype via
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype via
.Wraps a checked
into a RuntimeException
and sets the interrupted flag.A provider for
Supports thread-local locales and mapping of locales according to the application requirements.
s.Supports thread-local locales and mapping of locales according to the application requirements.
Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.
Interface to determine the module hierarchy.
Provides a hook to access resources from within a module.
Provides a hook to access resources from within a module.
Holds information about a module.
Annotation to override the module order for the
.A dependency sorter for jigsaw modules.
Naming rules for classnames.
Used at runtime to determine the remote delegates, at build-time by some wurblets, and by the wizard to generate PDO- and operation sources.
Can be replaced via
Used at runtime to determine the remote delegates, at build-time by some wurblets, and by the wizard to generate PDO- and operation sources.
Can be replaced via
for application-specific rules.A string of parameters.
Generic path to something.
A factory for
s.Annotation for records that must be analyzed for code generation.
Annotation for manually written methods that must be remoting capable.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Factory for services based on
.Finds service configurations.
Key to map service finders.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Differs from @
Differs from @
that the service can be some arbitrary name.Global settings.
Some handy methods for strings.
Translates strings to a reduced char set.
Tentackle runtime exception.
Time with database semantics.
Timestamp with UTC option.
Finds external tools to execute.
Runner for external tools.
Holds Tentackle versioning information.