Class TablePopup<S>

Type Parameters:
S - the table element type

public class TablePopup<S> extends Object
Table popup.
Provides a context menu with several handy features such as export to excel, save and load table settings, etc...
The popup can be used for tables and tree tables.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TablePopup Link icon

      public TablePopup(FxTableView<S> table, String preferencesSuffix, String title)
      Creates a table popup.
      table - the table
      preferencesSuffix - the preferences suffix to load/save table preferences, null if from table config
      title - the title of the printed table, null if from table config
    • TablePopup Link icon

      public TablePopup(FxTreeTableView<S> treeTable, String preferencesSuffix, String title)
      Creates a table popup.
      treeTable - the treetable
      preferencesSuffix - the preferences suffix to load/save table preferences, null if from table config
      title - the title of the printed table, null if from table config
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getTable Link icon

      public FxTableView<S> getTable()
      Gets the table.
      the table, null if treetable popup
    • getTreeTable Link icon

      public FxTreeTableView<S> getTreeTable()
      Gets the tree table.
      the treetable, null if table popup
    • getTitle Link icon

      public String getTitle()
      Gets the printed title.
      the title
    • setTitle Link icon

      public void setTitle(String title)
      Sets the printed title.
      title - the title for printings
    • getPreferencesSuffix Link icon

      public String getPreferencesSuffix()
      Gets the table preferences suffix.
      the suffix
    • setPreferencesSuffix Link icon

      public void setPreferencesSuffix(String preferencesSuffix)
      Sets the table preferences suffix.
      preferencesSuffix - the suffix
    • isColumnMenuEnabled Link icon

      public boolean isColumnMenuEnabled()
      Returns whether the column menu is enabled.
      true if column menu is enabled
    • setColumnMenuEnabled Link icon

      public void setColumnMenuEnabled(boolean columnMenuEnabled)
      Enables or disables the column menu.
      The column menu allows to set the visibility of columns.
      columnMenuEnabled - true to enable column menu (default)
    • expandTreeTable Link icon

      public void expandTreeTable(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem<S> selectedItem)
      Recursively expands the items of the treetable.
      selectedItem - the selected item to start, null for whole treetable
    • collapseTreeTable Link icon

      public void collapseTreeTable(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem<S> selectedItem)
      Recursively collapses the items of the treetable.
      selectedItem - the selected item to start, null for whole treetable
    • createContextMenu Link icon

      public javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu createContextMenu()
      Creates the context menu.
      the context menu
    • autoWidth Link icon

      public void autoWidth()
      Resizes all columns to fit their content.
    • print Link icon

      public void print()
      Prints the table.
    • toSpreadsheet Link icon

      public void toSpreadsheet(boolean onlySelected)
      Opens a dialog to export a table to an Excel sheet.
      onlySelected - true if export only selected rows
    • toXml Link icon

      public void toXml(boolean onlySelected)
      Opens a dialog to export a table to a spreadsheet.
      onlySelected - true if export only selected rows
    • savePreferences Link icon

      public void savePreferences(boolean system)
      Saves the table preferences.
      system - true if system scope, else user
    • savePreferences Link icon

      public void savePreferences()
      Saves the table preferences.
      System- or user scope is determined from PersistedPreferencesFactory.
    • loadPreferences Link icon

      public void loadPreferences(boolean system)
      Loads the table preferences.
      system - true if from system scope only, else try user first
    • loadPreferences Link icon

      public void loadPreferences()
      Loads the table preferences.
      System- or user scope is determined from PersistedPreferencesFactory.