All Classes and Interfaces
Base class for all kinds of Tentackle applications.
Abstract parent class for backends.
Binding Workhorse.
Common implementation of a binding.
Base implementation of a binding factory.
Base implementation of a builder usable by the
.A generic class mapper.
Implements lenient (superclass/interface) and package (class basenames) lookup.
Implements lenient (superclass/interface) and package (class basenames) lookup.
Base class for client applications.
Implements some common methods for data types.
Base cell type for all date- and time-related types.
Base class for date- or time-related data types.
A persistent low-level database object.
Delegate for the AbstractDbObject class.
Notice: in this class we cut off generics!
Notice: in this class we cut off generics!
Base class for the remote delegate of AbstractDbObject.
All other subclasses of AbstractDbObject should extend AbstractDbObjectRemoteDelegateImpl to reflect the class hierarchy below AbstractDbObject.
All other subclasses of AbstractDbObject should extend AbstractDbObjectRemoteDelegateImpl to reflect the class hierarchy below AbstractDbObject.
provides methods that are not part of AbstractDbObject
and is associated to a Db
-session.Delegate for the DbOperation class.
Base class for the remote delegate of AbstractDbOperation.
All other subclasses of AbstractDbOperation should extend AbstractDbOperationRemoteDelegateImpl to reflect the class hierarchy below AbstractDbOperation.
All other subclasses of AbstractDbOperation should extend AbstractDbOperationRemoteDelegateImpl to reflect the class hierarchy below AbstractDbOperation.
Base domain implementation of a PDO.
The abstract domain operation.
Base class for DomainObjectServiceAnnotationProcessor and DomainOperationServiceAnnotationProcessor.
Base class for tentackle fx controllers.
Base implementation for IdSources.
An abstract interceptor.
Processor for annotations annotated with
Provides annotation checking during compilation and IDE editing.
.Provides annotation checking during compilation and IDE editing.
Base implementation of a mapped diagnostic context.
Abstract permission applicable to non-PDOs.
Base class for number data types.
Object validator base class.
Base implementation of a
.Base implementation of a
.Abstract permission applicable to PDOs.
Abstract permission.
Base persistent implementation of a PDO.
Remote delegate for
.Implementation of the remote delegate for
provides methods that are not part of PersistentOperation
and is associated to a DomainContext
.Remote delegate for
.Implementation of the remote delegate for
.An abstract repeatable validator.
Base class for validation scope implementations.
Abstract implementation of a script.
Common code for scripting languages.
Converts a validator message script.
Base class for a segmented suggestion generator.
Base class for server applications.
Common implementation for service annotation processors.
Base class for
and DriverConfiguration
.A task being executed by the
.Common to all SQL2003 backends.
Common to all SQL2008 backends.
Common to all SQL92 backends.
Base class for a generator of suggestions based on some user input.
Base class of a table and treetable cell type.
Default task.
Delegate for text input fields.
Server side update service implementation.
Base class for controllers that validate themselves.
Not applicable to controllers that validate their bindables explicitly.
Not applicable to controllers that validate their bindables explicitly.
Base implementation for validation results.
An abstract validator.
Base class of a value translator.
Similar to
but allows checked exceptions.Access scope.
Builder to create an Accordion.
Configures a
.Shortcut to add some value.
Remote session extension providing admin services for the middle tier.
Provides information about a logged in client session.
Adapter hiding the rmi-stuff for the admin session extension.
Admin utility methods.
Admin extension implementation.
Processor for all interception annotations in the core package.
Applies to interceptors applicable to interfaces extending
Applies to interceptors applicable to interfaces extending
implementation classes of Interceptable
.Permission that represents all other permissions.
Permission that represents all other permissions.
Validation scope valid in all scopes.
Default scope default implementation.
Exception thrown if the user is already logged in.
Usually for application servers that don't allow a user logged in more than once.
Usually for application servers that don't allow a user logged in more than once.
Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.
Builder to create an AnchorPane.
Configures an
.Prints the model spec of an annotation.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
A Writer to an Appendable.
Bundle for app-package in tentackle-fx-rdc.
Tentackle application.
An attribute.
Attribute implementation.
The attribute definition line.
Options for attributes.
Attribute options.
Pretty printer for attribute options.
Pretty printer for attribute lines.
Pretty prints the section containing the attributes.
Describes the sorting of an attribute.
List cell factory for auto-completion.
Displays the matched substrings in bold.
Displays the matched substrings in bold.
Auto-completion controller.
Popup for auto-completion.
Skin for
.A database backend.
Defines the backend specifics.
There is only one instance per database type.
Implementations must not maintain any state except for the whole of all connections to the specific kind of database.
Defines the backend specifics.
There is only one instance per database type.
Implementations must not maintain any state except for the whole of all connections to the specific kind of database.
Configuration for a database backend.
The configuration is stored via the standard
The config refers to a
The configuration is stored via the standard
and provides
the parameters necessary to connect to the database backend.The config refers to a
that loads the corresponding driver.Runtime exception thrown for database backend configuration errors.
The backend factory.
Configuration info for a backend.
The backend info factory.
Just an interface to decouple dependency from PreparedStatementWrapper.
Controller to add, edit and remove backends.
Datatype for
.Datatype for storing arbitrary (binary) data in a database.
Datatype for
.Annotates a member of a class for eligibility in GUI bindings.
Cache for bindable elements per class.
A bindable element.
The Binder that associates components with object binding paths.
Binding between a class member and some related component.
Binding exception.
The binding factory.
A member in the binding chain.
BindingListeners may throw a BindingVetoException to
inhibit the transfer of data between the view and the model,
respectively vice versa.
An input stream waiting for data available in an
.A blocking holder.
thread a waits on get() until... thread b invokes accept()
thread a waits on get() until... thread b invokes accept()
Money value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.
BMoney translator.
cell type.Datatype for
Stored as two columns: the value in double precision the scale This type is sortable by the first column.
.Stored as two columns: the value in double precision the scale This type is sortable by the first column.
Boolean translator.
Datatype for the primitive type
cell type.Datatype for
.Builder to create a BorderPane.
Configures a
.Annotation to express that the annotated class
is a builder for a given class.
Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.
Bundle enumeration to implement
.The resource bundle factory.
Provides access to BundleMonkey services.
Support to locate bundle services.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.
Builder to create a ButtonBar.
Configures a
.Configures a
.Builder to create a button.
Configures a
.Datatype for the primitive type
.Byte translator.
Datatype for
with an optional callback lambda to show the progress.Camel-case suggestion generator function.
Utility to canonicalize objects.
Case conversion.
The annotated element is changeable.
Annotations used to determine whether a UI-component is changeable must implement this interface.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Validation scope for the changeable attribute of UI components.
Changeable scope default implementation.
Datatype for the primitive type
.Datatype for
.Identity CharArray translator.
Builder to create a CheckBox.
Configures a
.Builder to create a ChoiceBox.
Configures a
.A visitor for constructors with a single argument of a given class.
Annotation for the class id of a persistent object.
Listener invoked when a class is mapped the first time.
Maps names or classes to classes.
Classmapper factory.
Annotation to override a service on the modulepath from the classpath.
Maps a class or interface to a list of service classes.
Used for mapped services to collect all services in the classpath, not only the first.
Used for mapped services to collect all services in the classpath, not only the first.
Client application info sent to the update server.
Standard client socket factory.
Utility methods to implement the application update.
Factory for code snippets used by generators such as wurblets.
Menu item to collapse this and all child nodes of a PDO.
PDO to TreeItem translator for
Used if the model provides a collection.
and FxTreeTableView
.Used if the model provides a collection.
A color/color identity translator.
Builder to create a ColorPicker.
Configures a
.Meta data for a column
Explicit column migration for a given table.
Handles the migration of columns.
Configures a
.Builder to create a ComboBox.
Configures a
.Command line arguments and options.
A comment line.
A Runnable that gets invoked before a physical commit.
The commit runnable is
The commit runnable is
and transferred to
the server, if registered at a remote client.Bundle for common-package in tentackle-common.
Options common for attributes and entities.
Implementation of common options.
Some handy static null-safe methods to compare two
s.The compiled JSR script.
Configures a component.
User- and System-Preferences combined.
Implements Preferences in such a way that user-space overwrites system-space which is the default for most applications.
Implements Preferences in such a way that user-space overwrites system-space which is the default for most applications.
A compound value.
The value type of strings.
ZIP-compressed client socket factory.
Stream to read compressed data from the underlying input stream.
Counterpart to CompressedOutputStream.
Counterpart to CompressedOutputStream.
Stream to write compressed data to the underlying output stream.
Zip-compressed server socket.
Zip-compressed server socket factory.
Socket with compressing streams.
A compressed socket wrapper on top of another socket, usually an SSL-socket.
ZIP-compressed client socket factory
Zip-compressed server socket factory.
Methods related to concurrency and multithreading.
The configuration line.
<key> := <config>[;]
A configurator.
Annotation to express that the annotated class
is a configurator for a given class.
Connection Manager for local connections.
JDBC-connections are never used directly.
JDBC-connections are never used directly.
A provider for a connection manager.
Abstract class to handle the application's lifecycle for a console application (no gui).
Class holding constants for build- and runtime.
Runtime exception thrown for database constraint violations.
Configures a container.
A convertible object.
Virtual type for application-specific wrapper classes implementing
.A copy-on-write wrapper for collections.
The first modifying operation creates a clone to leave the original collection untouched.
The first modifying operation creates a clone to leave the original collection untouched.
Wrapper for an iterator that forbids invocations of the remove()-method.
A copy-on-write wrapper for lists.
The first modifying operation creates a clone to leave the original list untouched.
The first modifying operation creates a clone to leave the original list untouched.
Wrapper for a list iterator that forbids modifying method invocations.
A copy-on-write wrapper for sets.
The first modifying operation creates a clone to leave the original set untouched.
The first modifying operation creates a clone to leave the original set untouched.
A simple en- and decryptor.
Each application should provide a concrete instance with a confidential salt and passphase and a no-arg constructor.
Each application should provide a concrete instance with a confidential salt and passphase and a no-arg constructor.
Converts values to or from a string separated by delimiters.
Implements RFC 4180 as well.
Implements RFC 4180 as well.
Custom migration validator.
Applications may enforce extra rules on the migration.
Applications may enforce extra rules on the migration.
Custom model validator.
Applications may enforce extra rules on the model.
Applications may enforce extra rules on the model.
A supervisor controlling the life cycle of daemons.
The daemon termination info.
Describes the table name and some major properties for an existing database table.
The data type.
Describes a type from the model perspective and maps it to one or more
Describes a type from the model perspective and maps it to one or more
s, each corresponding to
a database column.Loads all data types and creates singletons of each type.
Date with database semantics.
Filter add a missing or to convert a 2-digit year into a 4-digit one if the format requires that.
Some common methods for date- and time-related types based on
.Builder to create a DatePicker.
Configures a
cell type.Applies to java.util.Date, java.sql.Date and org.tentackle.common.Date.
Utility methods related to the
API.Datatype for
.A persistence session.
Backend for DB2.
Maintains batches of prepared statements.
Statement and its data used in a batched transactions.
Factory for class variables.
Utilities for diagnostic purposes with persistence extensions.
Session factory for Db instances.
Modification information per table.
The modification tracker for the tentackle persistence layer.
Remote delegate interface for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.The persistence layer's modification types.
Holds static class variables for classes derived from AbstractDbObject.
This is a "singleton per class".
This is a "singleton per class".
Result used to return the possibly new object-ID, changed serial and a
result code for success or failure.
Holds static class variables for classes derived from AbstractDbOperation.
An implementation of a session pool.
It allows min/max sizes, fixed increments and timeouts for unused instances.
It allows min/max sizes, fixed increments and timeouts for unused instances.
SessionPool factory implementation.
Timeout thread to supervise
s.Persisted preferences implementation.
Repository and factory for database backed preferences.
A preferences key/value pair stored in the database.
Preferences Node stored in the database.
Remoting capable operations on persisted preferences.
Holds all nodes and keys for a user- or system-root along with its version.
Remote delegate interface for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.The default implementation for a
.Default implementation for a remote session factory.
Table holding the token locks.
Holder for transaction local data.
Factory for transactions.
Collects duration statistics and monitors transactions.
Collects duration statistics and monitors transactions.
A unique handle to reference an object within a
.Persistence utility methods.
This singleton is provided mainly to allow a clean separation between the lower- and higher level persistence layer implementations.
It is replaced by
This singleton is provided mainly to allow a clean separation between the lower- and higher level persistence layer implementations.
It is replaced by
from the tentackle-persistence module
to make it PDO-aware.Default implementation of a backend factory.
Default implementation of a backend info factory.
Cache for bindable elements per class.
A bindable element.
Default implementation of
.Default implementation of a bundle factory.
A default implementation of a classmapper.
The map is either initialized from a map or a
The map is either initialized from a map or a
-object which in turn
could be loaded from a properties file, an XML-file or constructed at runtime.The default class mapper factory.
The default implementation of a connection manager.
Each session will get its own physical connection.
Each session will get its own physical connection.
The default application's domain context.
Default domain context factory.
Default implementation of a
.Default implementation of a binding factory for Fx.
Binding Workhorse.
Implementation of a binding for FX components.
Default implementation of
.Binding Workhorse.
Implementation of a table binding.
The default graphic provider for framework-related icons.
Based on the ikonli materialdesign pack.
Based on the ikonli materialdesign pack.
Default implementation of a
Can be used as an adapter.
.Can be used as an adapter.
The default GUI provider factory.
.Default implementation for an interactive error.
Default interactive error factory.
Default implementation of an InterceptableFactory.
Default implementation of
.Pluggable logger using the standard java logging using
.Default implementation for the logger factory.
The MDC implementation for the java util logging.
Although MDC is not supported by the Java logging API and its formatters, this implementation keeps a thread-local map of properties so that there's no difference to the application concerning the effective logging provider.
Although MDC is not supported by the Java logging API and its formatters, this implementation keeps a thread-local map of properties so that there's no difference to the application concerning the effective logging provider.
The default master serial.
The default master serial event handler factory.
Default implementation of a modification log factory.
The default implementation of an
Injects the nodes, resources, invokes initialize and sets the view into the controller.
.Injects the nodes, resources, invokes initialize and sets the view into the controller.
Default implementation of a notification builder.
The default implementation of a number source.
Based on
This number source does not implement any logic to access an uplink source, and thus needs to be extended if an uplink is required.
Based on
and NumberRange
.This number source does not implement any logic to access an uplink source, and thus needs to be extended if an uplink is required.
The default number source factory based on
.The default operation factory.
The default Pdo-Cache factory.
The default GUI provider factory.
A default pdo editor.
The view is generated from the PDO model via reflection.
The view is generated from the PDO model via reflection.
The default PDO factory.
The simple default finder.
Provides normtext-search criteria (if entity provides a normtext).
Provides normtext-search criteria (if entity provides a normtext).
Default implementation of
.Wraps a java util preferences node into a
node.Factory for
Use case is to map invocations of PersistedPreferences by the framework or applications back to the standard java util prefs.
wrapped by PersistedPreferences
.Use case is to map invocations of PersistedPreferences by the framework or applications back to the standard java util prefs.
Default properties resource based on
.The default RDC factory.
The default validation scope.
Default implementation of a script factory.
Default implementation of a script runner.
The next SQL code to execute as a statement.
Default implementation of the
.Default implementation of a security manager factory.
An ACL-based SecurityManager.
Default implementation of a security result.
The default implementation of a
.Default implementation of a
.The default implementation for a session info.
Default session info factory.
A thread executing tasks in a serialized manner on an exclusive connection.
The default severity.
Implements the default severity.
The default implementation of a
.The default normalizer (works sufficiently for most western languages).
The default GUI provider factory.
Default configuration for a table column.
Default implementation of a table configuration.
Base implementation of a
.The default table configuration provider factory.
A thread executing tasks in a serialized manner.
Lock for the DefaultTaskDispatcher.
The default transaction retry policy.
Default implementation of a validation context.
Default implementation of a
.Default implementation of a validation scope factory.
Default implementation of a validation severity factory.
Default compound value factory for validators.
Java FX tentackle desktop application.
Utilities for diagnostic purposes.
Builder to create a DialogPane.
Configures a
.A DMoney is the same as a BMoney but will be treated
differently when stored in the database.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.
Datatype for
Stored as two columns: the value as a decimal without scale/li> the scale This type is not sortable by the database in a meaningful manner.
.Stored as two columns: the value as a decimal without scale/li> the scale This type is not sortable by the database in a meaningful manner.
The input document describing the model of an entity.
The domain context.
Interface all persistent objects must implement.
In multi-tenant applications the interface must be subclassed.
In multi-tenant applications the interface must be subclassed.
Factory for
.DomainContext provider.
Interface for all delegates implementing the domain model.
Links the domain delegate with its dynamic proxy.
Provided to exclude the methods
Provided to exclude the methods
and setOperation
from the interfaces PdoProvider
.Domain logic runtime exception.
Annotation for flag a member as a domain key.
If the (unique) domain key consists of more than one member, each member is annotated to
If the (unique) domain key consists of more than one member, each member is annotated to
.The domain interface.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is an implementation of the domain logic for a given PDO type.
Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
Interface for the domain part of an operation.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is an implementation of the domain logic for a given operation type.
Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
Datatype for the primitive type
.Double translator.
Datatype for
.Configuration for a backend driver.
The configuration is stored via the standard
The configuration is stored via the standard
and provides
the parameters necessary to load the driver.Marker interface for dummy delegates.
s with a valid delegate class to be treated as dummy mixins.Dummy persistent delegate if operation provides only the domain part.
Loads a JDBC driver dynamically at runtime via a URL.
Because DriverManager will refuse to use a driver not loaded by the system-classloader, we must wrap the URL-loaded driver by such a class.
Because DriverManager will refuse to use a driver not loaded by the system-classloader, we must wrap the URL-loaded driver by such a class.
Converts a Nashorn validator message script.
Menu item to edit a PDO.
Edit permission interface.
Permission to edit a PDO.
An object that provides the effective class.
The empty line.
If a value starts with a
.If a value starts with a
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be
encrypted by the application-specific Cryptor
.The entity.
Holds aliases for entities.
Allows mapping of names used in relations or inheritance to map to entity names, for example, to simplify refactoring.
Allows mapping of names used in relations or inheritance to map to entity names, for example, to simplify refactoring.
A factory for entity models.
The default entity model factory.
The entity model implementation.
Entity model information.
Entity as a component of a model.
Global options for the whole entity.
Entity options.
Prints the model of an entity.
Identity enum translator.
Abstract base class for enum translators.
cell type.The annotated element must be equal to another value.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Controls that support error popups must implement this interface.
Event listener proxy for event handlers and filters.
Provides access to all registered listeners and delegates them to a Node.
Provides access to all registered listeners and delegates them to a Node.
Helper methods dealing with exceptions.
Exception handler.
An exclusive session provider.
Read permission interface.
Execution permission.
Menu item to expand this and all child-nodes of a PDO.
An exportable remote object.
The validation results must contain at least one failed result.
Used to abort the validation with a
Used to abort the validation with a
.Type of validation results collected so far.
Repeating container annotation for
.Simple failed result.
Implementation of the
-validator.The annotated element must be false.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Helper methods for file handling.
Datatype for the primitive type
.Float translator.
Datatype for
.Builder to create a FlowPane.
Configures a
.Foreign key for referential integrity.
Enum for foreign key actions.
Metadata for a column of a foreign key.
Implementation of a foreign key.
Metadata for foreign keys.
Handles the migration of foreign keys.
Formatting helper methods.
Patterns to initialize formatting.
Abstract base class for fraction number translators.
A freezable object.
Often used factory and helper methods for FX-related stuff.
Extended Accordion.
Delegate for FxAccordion.
Extended AnchorPane.
Delegate for FxAnchorPane.
Tentackle FX application base class.
The fx binding factory.
Extended BorderPane.
Delegate for FxBorderPane.
The default implementation of a builder factory.
Extended button.
Notice that a button is not an FxControl.
Notice that a button is not an FxControl.
Extended ButtonBar.
Delegate for FxButtonBar.
Extended Checkbox.
Delegate for FxCheckBox.
Extended ChoiceBox.
Delegate for FxChoiceBox.
Extended ColorPicker.
Delegate for FxColorPicker.
.Delegate for FxComboBox.
Interface all tentackle Fx components must implement.
The Binder that associates form components with object binding paths.
Binding between a class member and a fx-component.
Delegate implementing FxComponent.
Interface all tentackle Fx containers must implement.
Delegate implementing FxContainer.
Parent interface of all FxComponents and FxContainers.
Base implementation for all fx delegates.
The controller interface all Tentackle FX-controllers must implement.
Annotation for Tentackle FX-controllers.
Type of binding.
Annotation processor for the
annotation.Extended DatePicker.
Tentackle's FxDatePicker is a TextComponent and maps to Date or Timestamp.
It uses the ValueTranslator (TemporalStringTranslator) to map to/from the model.
Tentackle's FxDatePicker is a TextComponent and maps to Date or Timestamp.
It uses the ValueTranslator (TemporalStringTranslator) to map to/from the model.
Delegate for FxDatePicker.
Extended DialogPane.
Delegate for FxDialogPane.
A factory for FX-related stuff.
Extended FlowPane.
Delegate for FxFlowPane.
Bundle for fx-package in tentackle-FX.
Extended GridPane.
Delegate for FxGridPane.
Extended HBox.
Delegate for FxHBox.
Extended HTMLEditor.
Delegate for FxHTMLEditor.
Extended Label.
Extended ListView.
Delegate for FxListView.
Extended Pane.
Delegate for FxPane.
Extended PasswordField with enhanced security.
The StringBuilder holding the text input is replaced with blanks when getPassword() is invoked.
The StringBuilder holding the text input is replaced with blanks when getPassword() is invoked.
Delegate for FxPasswordField.
to support lists.Extended RadioButton.
Delegate for FxRadioButton.
FX runtime exception.
Extended ScrollPane.
Delegate for FxScrollPane.
Extended SplitPane.
Delegate for FxSplitPane.
Extended StackPane.
Delegate for FxStackPane.
Extended Tab.
Delegate for FxTab.
The Binder that associates a table with object binding paths.
Binding between a class member and a table model column.
Extended table cell.
An extended table column.
Holds the column configuration.
Holds the column configuration.
Extended TableView.
Delegate for FxTableView.
Extended TabPane.
Delegate for FxTabPane.
Extended TextArea.
Delegate for FxTextArea.
A text component.
Delegate implementing FxComponent.
Extended TextField.
Delegate for FxTextField.
Extended TextFlow.
Delegate for FxTextFlow.
Extended TilePane.
Delegate for FxTilePane.
Extended TitledPane.
Delegate for FxTitledPane.
Extended ToggleButton.
Delegate for FxToggleButton.
Extended ToolBar.
Delegate for FxToolBar.
Extended tree table cell.
An extended tree table column.
Holds the column configuration.
Holds the column configuration.
Extended TreeTableView.
Delegate for FxTreeTableView.
Extended TreeView.
Delegate for FxTreeView.
Utility methods for Fx.
Extended VBox.
Delegate for FxVBox.
Global options line.
Prints the global options.
Describes a grantee.
Provider for icons, images and nodes with graphical content in general.
Annotation to for
s.The annotated element must be greater than another value.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.The annotated element must be greater or equal than another value.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Builder to create a GridPane.
Configures a
.Provider of GUI-functionality for a pdo.
A factory for
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class
is a
for PDO.Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
Backend for the H2 Database.
Builder to create a HBox.
Configures a
.Processor for the hidden interception annotations in the core package.
Applies to interceptors applicable to implementation classes extending
Applies to interceptors applicable to implementation classes extending
only.A generic consumer and supplier to hold some object.
Useful in lambdas if some data has to be set within the enclosing method.
Useful in lambdas if some data has to be set within the enclosing method.
Builder to create a HTMLEditor.
Configures an
.Editor for the I18NText translations.
Multilingual text.
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype via
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype via
translator.I18NText cell type.
Datatype for
Stored as one or two columns, depending on the backend.
.Stored as one or two columns, depending on the backend.
Objects that can be identified by an ID.
Key for an Identifiable.
Can be used for hashing or as a comparable.
Can be used for hashing or as a comparable.
A map of
s.The identity translator base class.
A tuple holding the ID, serial and name of an object.
There is no further logic.
There is no further logic.
A tuple holding the ID and the serial of an object.
There is no further logic.
There is no further logic.
Source of ID numbers.
Configurator for an
.Runtime exception thrown when an
becomes empty.Runtime exception thrown for id source failures.
A visitor to ignore duplicates within a persistence operation.
Used to avoid duplicate key errors, for example, if components are referenced more than once within the same root entity.
Used to avoid duplicate key errors, for example, if components are referenced more than once within the same root entity.
Base implementation of a graphic provider based on ikonli icon fonts.
Base implementation of a graphic provider based on image files.
Objects implementing this interface may be mutable or immutable.
Enhanced collection.
Runtime exception thrown when attempted to modify an immutable object.
Describes a database index.
An attribute of an index.
Index part.
Metadata for a column of an index.
Index descriptor.
Meta data for an index.
Handles the migration of indexes.
The migration result.
Prints the model spec of an index.
Controls that support info popups must implement this interface.
Backend for Informix.
Simple informational result.
A thread-inheritable thread-local hashtable.
The kind of inheritance.
The installation type of the client application.
Translator for
cell type.Datatype for
.Datatype for the primitive type
.Integer translator.
Datatype for
.The referential integrity mode.
Description of an error.
A factory for interactive errors.
Validation scope for user interaction.
Interactive scope default implementation.
The Interceptable interface.
This is a marker interface making objects interceptable.
This is a marker interface making objects interceptable.
Factory to create interceptable objects.
Class mapping invocation handler.
A method wrapper to optionally invoke the interceptors around a delegate's method.
A method cache for
s.Invoker for
Optionally logs and counts method invocations.
There is one invoker per interceptable type, e.g.
s.Optionally logs and counts method invocations.
There is one invoker per interceptable type, e.g.
Annotation to mark another annotation as an interception.
the interceptor type.
Processor for the
Provides annotation checking during compilation and IDE editing.
annotation.Provides annotation checking during compilation and IDE editing.
Annotation to express that the annotated class
is a persistence service for PDO.
Utility methods for interception handling.
A method interceptor.
Wraps a checked
into a RuntimeException
and sets the interrupted flag.Holds the old thread-locals during remote delegate method invocation.
Annotation to redirect the method invocation to the buddy delegate.
Implementation for the
interception.PDO join.
A joined select.
Join type.
A scripting language based on JSR-223.
A script based on JSR-223.
Implementation of a script factory using JSR223.
A thread that may be killed.
Builder to create a Label.
Configures a
.Datatype for the large variant of
.The annotated element must less than another value.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.The annotated element must less than another value.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.A parsed line.
May span multiple input lines.
May span multiple input lines.
A parser for a line according to line type.
The configuration file line type.
Builder to create a ListView.
Configures a
.Translator for
cell type.Translator for
cell type.Datatype for
.Datatype for
.A provider for
Supports thread-local locales and mapping of locales according to the application requirements.
s.Supports thread-local locales and mapping of locales according to the application requirements.
Translator for
cell type.Datatype for
.Runtime exception thrown for failed lock operations.
Manager for token locks.
Annotation to express that the annotated method should be logged.
Pluggable logger using
.The Log4J mdc implementation.
An interface telling whether an object is loggable or not.
A pluggable logger.
Logging levels.
Factory for pluggable loggers.
Output stream for a logger.
Nice to catch e.printStackTrace(Stream)
Nice to catch e.printStackTrace(Stream)
A logging runnable.
Logs start and duration times.
Logs start and duration times.
Login controller.
The login FX application.
RMI servers should throw a LoginFailedException if authentication fails (or
any other reason)
To handle login failed exceptions.
To handle login failed exceptions.
Implementation for the
interception.A master serial event to request a remote client logout.
Default handler for a
Simply terminates the modification tracker, which will in turn terminate the application.
.Simply terminates the modification tracker, which will in turn terminate the application.
Handler for a
Replaces the default logout handler and invokes Fx.terminate() from within the FX-thread.
in a desktop application.Replaces the default logout handler and invokes Fx.terminate() from within the FX-thread.
Datatype for the primitive type
.Long translator.
Datatype for
.A major severity.
Implements the major severity.
Creates a
Creates a
.A jdbc connection managed by the ConnectionManager.
The connection provides some additional features such as a prepared statement cache and translates SQLExceptions to PersistenceExceptions.
The connection provides some additional features such as a prepared statement cache and translates SQLExceptions to PersistenceExceptions.
Maintains a set of all open managed connections.
The connections are held by a weak reference and the set is cleaned up once a minute.
Optionally, idle connections with
The connections are held by a weak reference and the set is cleaned up once a minute.
Optionally, idle connections with
== true
will be verified (via dummy selects) periodically and to prevent premature closing by the database backend.The annotated element is mandatory.
Annotations used to determine whether a UI-component is mandatory must implement this interface.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Validation scope for the mandatory attribute of UI components.
Mandatory scope default implementation.
A mapped diagnostic context.
Provides thread-local optional key-value pairs to enhance logging.
Provides thread-local optional key-value pairs to enhance logging.
Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.
Backend for MariaDB.
Wraps the master serial used by the
The tracker of a remote client periodically requests the master serial from the server.
.The tracker of a remote client periodically requests the master serial from the server.
Interface for a master serial event.
Such events can be sent from the server to the client via the
Such events can be sent from the server to the client via the
.Factory for
-handlers.A master serial event containing a list of events.
This event type is used, whenever there is more than one event pending for the client.
This event type is used, whenever there is more than one event pending for the client.
Annotation for a script converter for validator messages.
Database metadata utility methods.
Replaceable by application specific implementation via
Replaceable by application specific implementation via
annotation.Argument to use in select- and delete-methods.
Cache to speed up method lookup by reflection.
Method statistics collector.
Method key for collecting method statistics.
Defines the methods to use for migration.
A minor severity.
Implements the minor severity.
Creates an
Creates an
.Bundle for misc-package in tentackle-core.
Error handler to add a missing zone offset.
Error handler to add, expand or insert a missing time.
Error handler to add a missing timezone.
Mixin to implement dynamic proxies.
Model singleton.
Defaults for model parsing.
A directory holding model files.
The model dir is capable to detect changes, usually model files added by the Wurbelizer.
The model dir is capable to detect changes, usually model files added by the Wurbelizer.
Default implementation of a
.Element as part of the model.
Describes a model error.
Model parsing exception.
Model implementation.
The whole metadata for the connected database.
Listener invoked to fetch the value from the model and update the view.
Low-level alternative to the tentackle binding.
Low-level alternative to the tentackle binding.
Model utility methods.
May be replaced by project specific implementation via
May be replaced by project specific implementation via
.Interface for objects that can tell whether they are modified or not.
Modification event.
Holds the event detail.
Listener for modifications.
A modification listener adapter.
Logging for object modifications.
Modifications of PDOs can be logged to a so-called modification log.
Such modlogs can be used for asynchronous database coupling, higher level replication, etc...
Modifications of PDOs can be logged to a so-called modification log.
Such modlogs can be used for asynchronous database coupling, higher level replication, etc...
Replay state shared between consecutive invocations of
This is just a DTO.
ModificationLog.replay(org.tentackle.dbms.ModificationLog, org.tentackle.session.Session, boolean)
.This is just a DTO.
factory.Objects that can be modification-logged.
Remote delegate interface for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.Counter to track modifications for a class/table.
The ModificationTracker maintains a list of ModificationTally-objects, one for each tracked name.
The ModificationTracker maintains a list of ModificationTally-objects, one for each tracked name.
Tracks global PDO changes.
The modification type.
The default types are defined in
The default types are defined in
, which is an enum.Factory for modification types.
Basically maps character values to modification types.
Basically maps character values to modification types.
Interface to determine the module hierarchy.
Provides a hook to access resources from within a module.
Provides a hook to access resources from within a module.
Holds information about a module.
Annotation to override the module order for the
.A dependency sorter for jigsaw modules.
Multiplexing connection manager.
A connection manager for applications with a large number of session instances, e.g. application servers.
A connection manager for applications with a large number of session instances, e.g. application servers.
Backend for MicrosoftSQL.
A line consisting of multiple physical lines.
Such lines are concatenated by trailing commas or colons.
Such lines are concatenated by trailing commas or colons.
Implementation of a
The pool is actually a pool of
.The pool is actually a pool of
s, one for each SessionInfo
.A pool of sessions for multiple session infos.
Allows different users to use multiple sessions in parallel.
Allows different users to use multiple sessions in parallel.
Backend for MySQL.
MySql does not return strings in single-quotes in default values.
Thread-safe named counter.
Thread-safe named value.
Enforces application specific rules for names.
This is an additional check to the backend rules.
This is an additional check to the backend rules.
Default implementation of a
.Naming rules for classnames.
Used at runtime to determine the remote delegates, at build-time by some wurblets, and by the wizard to generate PDO- and operation sources.
Can be replaced via
Used at runtime to determine the remote delegates, at build-time by some wurblets, and by the wizard to generate PDO- and operation sources.
Can be replaced via
for application-specific rules.A
Provides navigation with keystrokes that do not correspond to the text displayed in the UI.
to navigate within a collection of objects.Provides navigation with keystrokes that do not correspond to the text displayed in the UI.
A type visitor checks for no args.
Annotates a component, method or resource variable in a view class to be injected into a controller via
as if loaded by FXMLLoader
.Links a view object with a controller without using
Takes a view object, parses it for
.Takes a view object, parses it for
and injects the components into an FxController
.Holds non-SQL-standard common features supported by most backends.
A helper class to create a normtext like string from a user's input.
It is intended to search in normtext columns of PDOs with LIKE or NOT LIKE.
It is intended to search in normtext columns of PDOs with LIKE or NOT LIKE.
A note control.
Notes display information related to another linkedNode.
Notes display information related to another linkedNode.
display position relative to linked node.
The note type.
The annotated element must not be empty.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.The annotated element must be not equal to another value.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Skin for the
control.Runtime exception thrown if objects that should exist are not found in the database.
Builder for notifications.
Notifications are a lightweight alternative to
Notifications are a lightweight alternative to
s.Controls when and how the close button is displayed.
The notification type.
A byte array output stream notifying waiting threads when data was written.
Exception thrown when an implementation is not invoked in buddy delegate.
Should be used in unused method body to avoid direct invocation without interceptor.
Should be used in unused method body to avoid direct invocation without interceptor.
The annotated element must be not null.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Annotation to verify that there is no transaction currently running.
Implementation for the
interception.Runtime exception thrown for not-removables.
Annotation to express that the annotated method must not be within a given named context.
Implementation for the
interception.The annotated element must be not 0 (zero).
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Shortcut to replace the value with the current time and/or date.
The annotated element must be null.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.A number pool.
Number pool domain interface.
NumberPool domain implementation.
Persistence interface for number pool.
Number Space persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.A number pool.
Number space domain interface.
NumberRange domain implementation.
Persistence interface for security rules.
Number Space persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.Shortcut to derive a Temporal from a numeric input.
The corresponding part is updated and the remaining parts (to the right) are set to their minimum value.
The corresponding part is updated and the remaining parts (to the right) are set to their minimum value.
Provides the input windows for year, month and day.
A source of unique numbers.
A range of numbers.
Number source empty exception.
Number source exception.
A factory of number sources.
Abstract base class for number translators.
Provided as a fallback to application specific types that don't provide t
cell type.Provided as a fallback to application specific types that don't provide t
to create unique object IDs.An
to create unique object IDs from a database sequence.The most simple cell type.
Fallback if type does not correspond to a known cell-type.
Fallback if type does not correspond to a known cell-type.
Object utility methods.
List translator.
Used for components maintaining a list of elements, such as a table.
Used for components maintaining a list of elements, such as a table.
Translator for
cell type.Datatype for
.Filter to process a zone offset.
Shortcut for a
.Translator for
cell type.Datatype for
.An operation.
A factory for operation objects.
Method reference for operation related methods.
Invocation handler for operations.
Each instance of an operation gets its own handler.
Each instance of an operation gets its own handler.
Method-cache for operations.
Each operation class provides its own cache.
Each operation class provides its own cache.
Cache info provided for the
to create method entries.Provides access to a
There is one cache per operation-class.
.There is one cache per operation-class.
Provider for an
.The option line.
Parses [...] options.
Backend for Oracle versions 12 or newer.
Backend for older Oracle versions 8 to 11.
Requires a URL with type postfix
Requires a URL with type postfix
.Oracle column data.
Oracle returns the default value exactly as specified in the ALTER TABLE statement.
Oracle returns the default value exactly as specified in the ALTER TABLE statement.
Builder to create a Pane.
Configures a
.A string of parameters.
Builder to create a PasswordField.
Configures a
.Generic path to something.
A factory for
s.The annotated element must match a regular expression.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Collected factory methods for the PDOs and related objects.
Combines all the pdo factories and enhances code readability.
Combines all the pdo factories and enhances code readability.
Cache for
The cache works both client- and server side.
The cache can hold any number of unique indexes (see
s.The cache works both client- and server side.
The cache can hold any number of unique indexes (see
that are added (or removed) at runtime.PDO cache exception.
Factory for PDO-Caches.
The factory keeps a list of all created caches.
The factory keeps a list of all created caches.
A file-based backup store for
Serializes the cache to the filesystem to improve client startup times, especially for preloading caches.
Makes only sense for remote client applications.
.Serializes the cache to the filesystem to improve client startup times, especially for preloading caches.
Makes only sense for remote client applications.
Cache index.
Holds the mapping of keys to objects.
Holds the mapping of keys to objects.
Caching strategy for the PDO-cache.
PDO-aware collection to TreeItem translator for
Used if the model provides a collection.
and FxTreeTableView
.Used if the model provides a collection.
Adds style, context-menu, DnD and function-keys to components bound to a PDO.
A factory for PDO context menus.
The context menus are used as popups.
The context menus are used as popups.
FX controller for a persistent domain object.
CRUD controller for PDOs.
FxController to edit a PDO.
Event related to persistence operations on a PDO.
A factory for persistent domain objects.
FxController to search for PDOs.
Holds the view of the selection criteria and runs the query.
Holds the view of the selection criteria and runs the query.
Method reference for PDO related methods.
Invocation handler for PDOs.
Each instance of a PDO gets its own handler.
Each instance of a PDO gets its own handler.
A listener for PDO modifications.
A member of a PDO.
Members can be either attributes or relations.
Members can be either attributes or relations.
The member type.
Method-cache for PDOs.
Each PDO class provides its own cache.
Each PDO class provides its own cache.
Cache info provided for the
to create method entries.Provides access to a
There is one cache per PDO-class.
.There is one cache per PDO-class.
The modification tracker for the tentackle persistence layer.
List translator.
Replaces ObservableListTranslator and adds PDO detection for automatic configuration via GuiProvider for tables.
Replaces ObservableListTranslator and adds PDO detection for automatic configuration via GuiProvider for tables.
Bundle for the pdo-package in tentackle-pdo.
Provider for a PDO.
The default implementation for a
.Extended remote session providing PDO-related services.
Adapter for a remote session.
Hides the RMI stuff.
Hides the RMI stuff.
PDO-aware implementation for a remote session factory.
PDO runtime exception.
Unspecified exceptions related to PDOs.
Unspecified exceptions related to PDOs.
Search controller for PDOs.
PDO to String translator.
A PDO table cell.
Used for cells containing a PDO.
Used for cells containing a PDO.
PDO cell type.
Not covered by the default ObjectTableCellType because PersistentDomainObject is an interface.
This cell type does not set the graphics icon.
Not covered by the default ObjectTableCellType because PersistentDomainObject is an interface.
This cell type does not set the graphics icon.
A context menu item.
Context menu items are used in popup menus for
Context menu items are used in popup menus for
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a
.Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
A translator for PDOs.
A PDO tree cell.
A context menu item.
Context menu items are used in popup menus for
Context menu items are used in popup menus for
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a
.Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
Tree item for a PDO.
PDO-aware TreeItem translator for
.A PDO tree table cell.
Used for cells containing a PDO.
Used for cells containing a PDO.
A context menu item.
Context menu items are used in popup menus for
Context menu items are used in popup menus for
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a
.Utility methods for PDOs.
A wrapper for some view controller that can be used as a pdo editor.
Useful to view PDOs that cannot be edited.
Useful to view PDOs that cannot be edited.
A security permission.
Annotation to express that the annotated class
is an implementation of a permission.
Persisted Preferences.
Factory for
.Interface for all delegates implementing the persistence model.
Links the persistence delegate with its dynamic proxy.
Provided to exclude the methods
Provided to exclude the methods
and setOperation
from the interfaces PdoProvider
.Database runtime exception.
Validation scope for persistence.
Persistence scope default implementation.
Persistence utility methods.
This singleton replaces
This singleton replaces
from the tentackle-database module
to make it PDO-aware.A reflective visitor to add application-specific functionality to persistence operations.
Persistent fields and methods are annotated with this annotation.
Factory for class variables.
A persistent domain object.
Interface for the persistent part of a PDO.
for AbstractPersistentObject
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is an implementation of the persistence logic for a given PDO type.
Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
, DomainContext
, Session
Interface for the persistence part of an operation.
for AbstractPersistentOperation
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is an implementation of the domain logic for a given operation type.
Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
, DomainContext
, Session
Annotation to describe the name of multiple PDOs.
Session managed by the session pool.
Annotation to mark a method to be invoked after the current transaction has been successfully committed.
Implementation of the
interception.Backend for Postgres.
Postgres column data.
Index column metadata for postgres.
Strips optional typecasts.
Strips optional typecasts.
Postgres index meta data.
Script runner for postgres.
Select items according to a prefix.
Useful for (non-editable) ComboBoxes and ChoiceBoxes but can be applied to any control providing a list of items that can be selected.
The prefix selection is case-sensitive, if the first typed character is uppercase.
Useful for (non-editable) ComboBoxes and ChoiceBoxes but can be applied to any control providing a list of items that can be selected.
The prefix selection is case-sensitive, if the first typed character is uppercase.
A wrapper for prepared statements.
Will catch and report SQLExceptions and keep track of being used only once after
Will catch and report SQLExceptions and keep track of being used only once after
Db.getPreparedStatement(org.tentackle.dbms.StatementKey, boolean, int, int, org.tentackle.dbms.SqlSupplier)
.Holds parameters to configure the generated output.
Loads properties from some resource and applies it to a
Implementations must be annotated with @
object.Implementations must be annotated with @
.Annotation for
s.Event fired when a property is modified.
Listener to track property modifications.
A property map.
Provides the functionality of a map for the properties of a bean.
Provides the functionality of a map for the properties of a bean.
Describes the mapping of a property.
Properties can be either is/set-pairs or get/set-pairs of methods or some other readonly method.
Properties can be either is/set-pairs or get/set-pairs of methods or some other readonly method.
Replacement for
as this becomes part of the Swing desktop module
in Java 9.Similar to
but allows checked exceptions.Base interface for all delegates of dynamic proxies.
Processor for the public interception annotations in the core package.
Applies to interceptors applicable to interceptables interfaces only.
Applies to interceptors applicable to interceptables interfaces only.
A database query.
Builder to create a RadioButton.
Configures a
.Collected factory methods for FX-RDC-related stuff.
Enhances code readability.
Enhances code readability.
Common implementation for choice- and combobox delegates.
PDO-aware choice box.
Builder to create a ChoiceBox.
Delegate for RdcChoiceBox.
PDO-aware combo box.
Builder to create a ComboBox.
Delegate for RdcComboBox.
A factory for FX-RDC-related stuff.
.Bundle for rdc-package in tentackle-swing-rdc.
for RDC.RDC runtime exception.
with security checks.PDO-aware configuration for a table column.
PDO-aware table configuration.
RDC-related utility methods.
Replace with application specific implementation via
with a thread- and session pool for background execution.Replace with application specific implementation via
annotation.Read permission interface.
Permission to read.
Exception thrown if a resource has been reconnected.
When an application catches this exception, it indicates that the resource has been reconnected while the cause holds the exception that triggers the reconnection, i.e. the original resource failure.
When an application catches this exception, it indicates that the resource has been reconnected while the cause holds the exception that triggers the reconnection, i.e. the original resource failure.
Policy to reconnect a dead resource.
A simple reconnector.
Annotation for records that must be analyzed for code generation.
Methods related to the reflection API.
A reflective visitor to add application-specific functionality to existing objects.
Suggestion generator function based on a regular expression.
A relation to an entity.
Relation implementation.
Describes the relation to other entities.
Prints the model spec of a relation.
The relation type.
RMI remote connection.
This is the first remote object passed to the client when it connects to the application server.
This is the first remote object passed to the client when it connects to the application server.
Server side RMI-connection implementation.
Application server session.
The session will create all other delegates for the client.
The session will create all other delegates for the client.
Cleans up dead or crashed sessions.
User session within the application server.
Tag interface for Remote delegates.
The implementation of a RemoteDelegate must provide a constructor as follows:
The implementation of a RemoteDelegate must provide a constructor as follows:
All remote delegates must extend this class
Invocation handler to capture RMI method invocations.
Finds the remote delegate classes for a given class.
The result.
Annotation for manually written methods that must be remoting capable.
Remote delegate interface for
.Remote delegate implementation for
to get the port and socket factories.The remote session.
Provides access to the remote (server-side) client session.
Provides access to the remote (server-side) client session.
Adapter for a remote session.
Hides the RMI stuff.
Hides the RMI stuff.
RMI servers should throw a RemoteSessionClosedException if the remote session is already closed.
Factory for remote sessions.
Annotation to mark another annotation as a repeatable container annotation for a validation annotation.
The repeatable container validator.
A cursor for a
.Adds a closed flag to saveObject a roundtrip in remote sessions.
A section of columns within the result set.
A subset of the columns returned by a
.A wrapper for
s.Returnable session provider.
A generic RMI server.
The backend properties file is parsed for the following keywords:
The backend properties file is parsed for the following keywords:
defaults to the basename of the RMI-server class instance at the default registry port on localhost,
i.e.The factory for RMI socket factories.
The RMI socket factory type.
A Runnable that gets invoked before a physical rollback.
The rollback runnable is
The rollback runnable is
and transferred to
the server, if registered at a remote client.A savepoint handle.
Interface for cleanup services like cleanup threads.
A configurator for default scopes.
A generic script.
Converts a script according to a given language.
A factory for scripts.
Interface tentackle scripting languages must implement.
SQL script runner.
The result of a statement executed by a
.Script exception.
Script variable.
A scrollable resource.
A ScrollableResource is a wrapper around a resource.
A ScrollableResource is a wrapper around a resource.
Builder to create a ScrollPane.
Configures a
.Annotation to secure a method.
Interceptor to perform security checks.
A security rule.
A factory for security dialogs.
Security rule domain interface.
Security domain implementation.
Security permissions editor.
Runtime exception thrown for security violations.
Factory for security related objects.
GUI provider for Security.
The SecurityManager applies security rules to
or classes and grants or denies permissions.Persistence interface for security rules.
Security rule persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.Represents a result from the
for a privilege request.Security editor controller.
Ingot validator annotation.
Security validator implementation.
The selection type.
suggestion generator function for strings composed of separated strings.
Useful for number matching in choices like
Useful for number matching in choices like
.Something providing a serial number.
RMI Application Server.
Configures a socket.
A holder for a
.Standard server socket factory.
Utility methods to implement the application update.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Factory for services based on
.Finds service configurations.
Key to map service finders.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Differs from @
Differs from @
that the service can be some arbitrary name.The session.
Describes a persistence and security context.
Describes a persistence and security context.
Bundle for the session module.
Runtime exception thrown if the session is already closed.
A handler invoked whenever a Session is closed.
Interface for objects depending on sessions.
Factory for
s.Holder for a session.
Session information.
Factory for
.A task dispatcher to keep sessions alive.
The task to keep a session alive.
The task uses the
The task uses the
to spawn asynchronous pings.A pool of sessions for a given session info.
Allows a single user to use multiple sessions in parallel.
Allows a single user to use multiple sessions in parallel.
Executes runnables on a pool of sessions.
Useful to run background tasks in parallel, each task with its own session.
Useful to run background tasks in parallel, each task with its own session.
Factory for session pools.
Provider for local or remote session pools.
Session provider.
View showing all sessions logged in to the middle tier.
Allows killing sessions as well.
Allows killing sessions as well.
A TaskDispatcher using a Session.
Lock for the DefaultSessionTaskDispatcher.
Utility methods for session related stuff.
Extended validation utilities.
Honors the field- and method-order by using the ordinal of the
As a result, the validators are invoked by priority + position in the source code.
Honors the field- and method-order by using the ordinal of the
which is generated according to the model's definition.As a result, the validators are invoked by priority + position in the source code.
Global settings.
A short and a long text.
A ShortLongText is something very simple and common: a short String and a longer more detailed description of an object.
A ShortLongText is something very simple and common: a short String and a longer more detailed description of an object.
Cell factory to display items implementing
.Datatype for the primitive type
.Short translator.
Datatype for
.Simple suggestion generator function.
Finds the first match of the user's input.
Finds the first match of the user's input.
A line consisting of a single physical line.
Annotation to describe the name of a single PDO.
The annotated element size must be between the specified boundaries (included).
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Pluggable logger using
.The SLF4J mdc implementation.
Parser for
date and time types with smart syntax support.Parse exception handler.
Shortcut for date- or time input.
Filter applied to the input.
Returns the probably modified text.
Returns the probably modified text.
A part within a string.
Interface for objects providing the snapshot functionality.
A simple implementation of a dispatcher accepting incoming socket channels from client connections.
Configures a socket.
Common methods for
and ServerSocketConfigurator
.A holder for a
.A wrapping SocketImpl.
Nice to wrap SSL sockets to add compression, for example.
Nice to wrap SSL sockets to add compression, for example.
Socket performance preferences as an object.
Wrapper for existing sockets to add functionality for not-extensible sockets, e.g.
Attribute sorting.
Information about the source.
Builder to create a SplitPane.
Configures a SplitPane.
SQL name type.
Backend-specific SQL-code supplier.
The sql types used when talking to the database backend.
SSL client socket factory.
SSL server socket factory.
Builder to create a StackPane.
Configures a
.History of statement execution.
A statement id.
The statement key.
Statement statistics collector.
Statistics result for SQL statements.
Optionally extends
Optionally extends
by fetch duration for the result set and result set size.Statement trace exception.
Not a real exception.
Not a real exception.
On demand SQL statement tracer.
Primarily used to trace usage of certain SQL statements on demand at runtime.
Primarily used to trace usage of certain SQL statements on demand at runtime.
A wrapper for sql statements.
Will catch and report SQLExceptions and keep track of being used only once after
Will catch and report SQLExceptions and keep track of being used only once after
.Statistics result for execution count and durations.
A resource bundle stored in the database.
The unique domain key for StoredBundle.
Bundle control to use stored bundles.
Used by
Used by
in modular apps as well as by ResourceBundle
in non-modular apps.Bundle control provider to use stored bundles.
Stored bundle domain interface.
StoredBundle domain implementation.
Factory for stored bundles.
Replaces the
Replaces the
.A bundle key translation stored in the database.
Stored bundle key domain interface.
StoredBundleKey domain implementation.
Persistence interface for stored bundle keys.
Number Space persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.Persistence interface for stored bundles.
Number Space persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for
.Remote delegate implementation for
.ResourceBundle loaded from the database.
A string/color translator.
Useful for color pickers bound to a string in the model.
Useful for color pickers bound to a string in the model.
Some handy methods for strings.
Translates strings to a reduced char set.
Identity string translator.
String cell type.
Datatype for
.A segment of string.
Describes a substring by its indexes within a string.
The substring itself is built lazily, thus allowing index computations without string creations.
Describes a substring by its indexes within a string.
The substring itself is built lazily, thus allowing index computations without string creations.
A type visitor that finds type matches in supertypes as well.
A thread being supervised by a
.Builder to create a Tab.
Configures a
.A table and treetable cell type.
A factory for
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a
.Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
Configuration for a table or treetable column.
Configuration for table and treetable views.
The main purpose is to provide a single object to configure the component.
The main purpose is to provide a single object to configure the component.
Type of binding.
Edit mode.
Creates a
.A factory for
s.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a
.Database metadata for a table that is part of the model.
Handles the migration of tables.
Migration result.
Contains the migration parameters and the resulting SQL code.
Contains the migration parameters and the resulting SQL code.
Annotation for the tablename of a PDO.
Table popup.
Provides a context menu with several handy features such as export to excel, save and load table settings, etc...
The popup can be used for tables and tree tables.
Provides a context menu with several handy features such as export to excel, save and load table settings, etc...
The popup can be used for tables and tree tables.
A controller to print a table.
Keeps a backlog of expiration sets.
Used in RMI-servers to reduce database roundtrips for clients requesting the expiration info for their local caches.
Used in RMI-servers to reduce database roundtrips for clients requesting the expiration info for their local caches.
Table-related utility methods.
Builder to create a TableView.
Configures a
.Builder to create a TabPane.
Configures a
.A task being executed by the
.A dispatcher executing tasks in a serialized manner.
The lock of a task dispatcher.
Runtime exception for tasks and task dispatching.
A listener for
-related events.String translator for date- and/or time types based on
.Tentackle runtime exception.
Something that can be terminated gracefully.
Useful for
Useful for
s.Builder to create a TextArea.
Configures a
.Builder to create a TextField.
Configures a
.Builder to create a TextFlow.
Configures a
.Configures a
.A session holder returning the thread-local session.
Nice if no domain context available, e.g. for low-level AbstractDbObjects.
Nice if no domain context available, e.g. for low-level AbstractDbObjects.
Builder to create a TilePane.
Configures a
.Time with database semantics.
A duration.
Timestamp with UTC option.
cell type.Applies to java.sql.Timestamp and org.tentackle.common.Timestamp.
Datatype for
cell type.Applies to java.sql.Time and org.tentackle.common.Time.
Datatype for
.Builder to create a TitledPane.
Configures a
.Builder to create a ToggleButton.
Configures a
.A token lock.
The edited-by token lock info.
Holds the columns editedBy, editedSince and editedExpiry in one DTO.
Holds the columns editedBy, editedSince and editedExpiry in one DTO.
A listener invoked after the binding has updated the model with the view's value.
Builder to create a ToolBar.
Configures a
.Finds external tools to execute.
Runner for external tools.
A table displaying the totals of another table.
Displays any number of rows (1 for totals, 3 for totals and min + max, for example).
The items must contain the total values.
Displays any number of rows (1 for totals, 3 for totals and min + max, for example).
The items must contain the total values.
A listener invoked before the binding will update the view with the model's value.
Implementation of a
.A List with the ability to tell whether it has been structurally modified.
A listener for
events.Object tracking type.
Annotation to mark a method as transactional.
Implementation of the
interception.Enum that maps the low-level integer constants of the transaction isolation levels in
.Annotation to describe a transaction retry policy.
Transaction statistics collector.
Statistics result for transactions.
by number of statements.Enum for read-write or read-only transactions.
TreeItem translator for
.Builder to create a TreeTableView.
Configures a
.Builder to create a TreeView.
Configures a
.The annotated element must be true.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Desktop application with auto update facility.
Bundle for tentackle-fx-rdc-update.
Update info sent back to the client.
RMI service to provide the update info for an application.
The user's home cache.
Datatype for
.Validates a component of the object.
There are 2 use-cases for this annotation: Validate the contents of an application-specific datatype.
There are 2 use-cases for this annotation: Validate the contents of an application-specific datatype.
An object that can be validated.
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Annotation to mark another annotation as a validation annotation
and to establish a link between the validation annotation and
the validator implementation.
Bundle for validation messages.
The validation context.
Factory for validation contexts.
A validation event.
Exception thrown if a validation fails logically.
A listener that gets invoked on binding events.
A mapper to translate validation paths to binding paths.
The result of a validation.
A collection index within a validation path
Exception thrown to indicate that the validation could not be applied.
A validation scope.
Factory for validation scope singletons.
Annotation to express that the annotated class
is an implementation of a validation scope.
Annotation for a script converter for validation and condition scripts.
A severity associated with a failed validation.
Applications may define their own severities or replace the default ones in order to create application-specific validation results.
Applications may define their own severities or replace the default ones in order to create application-specific validation results.
Factory for validation severity singletons.
Annotation to express that the annotated class
is an implementation of a validation severity.
Utilities for validation.
Key to override field annotations by method annotations.
A validator.
Bundle for validators in tentackle-core.
Holds all fixed validators for a class.
Factory to create
s for validators.A list of validators.
A value translator for text components.
A value translator.
Converts between view and model types.
Converts between view and model types.
Annotation for value translators.
Annotation processor for the
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
annotation.Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (
, Class)
Builder to create a VBox.
Configures a
.Holds Tentackle versioning information.
Exception thrown if client's and server's versions don't match.
Menu item to view a PDO.
View permission interface.
Permission to view a PDO.
Listener invoked to fetch the value from the view and update the model.
Low-level alternative to the tentackle binding.
Low-level alternative to the tentackle binding.
with a volatile object reference.Web Server Application.
A cache mapping user session infos to the web container's session keys.
Configures a
.Annotation to express that the annotated method must be within a given named context.
Implementation for the
interception.Read permission interface.
Permission to write.
The annotated element must be 0 (zero).
Repeating container annotation for
.Implementation of the
-validator.Translator for
cell type.Datatype for
.Filter for timezones.
Shortcut for a