Plugin Documentation

This report describes goals, parameters details, requirements and sample usage of this plugin.


Goals available for this plugin:

Goal Description
tentackle-wizard:browse PDO browser.
Brings up an FX UI to analyze PDOs persisted in a database and generate test code.
tentackle-wizard:help Display help information on tentackle-wizard-maven-plugin.
Call mvn tentackle-wizard:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
tentackle-wizard:init Initializes the templates.
Copies the default templates to the configured templateDir.
Needs to be executed only to restore the templates to their defaults.
tentackle-wizard:operation Wizard to create operation files.
Brings up an FX UI to create the operation related Java files.

Best invoked from within the directory of the maven parent of the project.

tentackle-wizard:pdo Wizard to create PDO files.
Brings up an FX UI to create the PDO related Java files.

Best invoked from within the directory of the maven parent of the project.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Maven 3.9.0
JDK 21

System Requirements History

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin for historical versions:

Plugin Version Maven JDK
from to - 21
from to - 17
16.0-M1 - 16
from to - 11
from to - 8
2.2.0 - 11
2.1.6 - 8


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"