All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract parent class for backends.
Implements some common methods for data types.
Base class for date- or time-related data types.
Base class for number data types.
Common to all SQL2003 backends.
Common to all SQL2008 backends.
Common to all SQL92 backends.
A database backend.
Defines the backend specifics.
There is only one instance per database type.
Implementations must not maintain any state except for the whole of all connections to the specific kind of database.
Runtime exception thrown for database backend configuration errors.
The backend factory.
Configuration info for a backend.
The backend info factory.
Just an interface to decouple dependency from PreparedStatementWrapper.
Datatype for BigDecimal.
Datatype for Binary.
Datatype for BMoney.
Stored as two columns: the value in double precision the scale This type is sortable by the first column.
Datatype for the primitive type boolean.
Datatype for Boolean.
Datatype for the primitive type byte.
Datatype for Byte.
Datatype for the primitive type char.
Datatype for Character.
Meta data for a column
Virtual type for application-specific wrapper classes implementing org.tentackle.misc.Convertible.
Describes the table name and some major properties for an existing database table.
The data type.
Describes a type from the model perspective and maps it to one or more SqlTypes, each corresponding to a database column.
Loads all data types and creates singletons of each type.
Datatype for Date.
Backend for DB2.
Default implementation of a backend factory.
Default implementation of a backend info factory.
Default implementation of a script runner.
The next SQL code to execute as a statement.
Datatype for DMoney.
Stored as two columns: the value as a decimal without scale/li> the scale This type is not sortable by the database in a meaningful manner.
Datatype for the primitive type double.
Datatype for Double.
Loads a JDBC driver dynamically at runtime via a URL.
Because DriverManager will refuse to use a driver not loaded by the system-classloader, we must wrap the URL-loaded driver by such a class.
Datatype for the primitive type float.
Datatype for Float.
Enum for foreign key actions.
Metadata for a column of a foreign key.
Metadata for foreign keys.
Backend for the H2 Database.
Datatype for I18NText.
Stored as one or two columns, depending on the backend.
Metadata for a column of an index.
Meta data for an index.
Backend for Informix.
Datatype for Instant.
Datatype for the primitive type int.
Datatype for Integer.
Join type.
Datatype for the large variant of String.
Datatype for LocalDateTime.
Datatype for LocalDate.
Datatype for LocalTime.
Datatype for the primitive type long.
Datatype for Long.
Backend for MariaDB.
Database metadata utility methods.
Replaceable by application specific implementation via Service annotation.
Defines the methods to use for migration.
The whole metadata for the connected database.
Backend for MicrosoftSQL.
Backend for MySQL.
MySql does not return strings in single-quotes in default values.
Holds non-SQL-standard common features supported by most backends.
Datatype for OffsetDateTime.
Datatype for OffsetTime.
Backend for Oracle versions 12 or newer.
Backend for older Oracle versions 8 to 11.
Requires a URL with type postfix "|Oracle8".
Oracle column data.
Oracle returns the default value exactly as specified in the ALTER TABLE statement.
Backend for Postgres.
Postgres column data.
Index column metadata for postgres.
Strips optional typecasts.
Postgres index meta data.
Script runner for postgres.
SQL script runner.
The result of a statement executed by a ScriptRunner.
Datatype for the primitive type short.
Datatype for Short.
SQL name type.
The sql types used when talking to the database backend.
Datatype for String.
Database metadata for a table that is part of the model.
Datatype for Timestamp.
Datatype for Time.
Datatype for UUID.
Datatype for ZonedDateTime.