All Classes and Interfaces

Base persistent implementation of a PDO.
Remote delegate for PersistentDomainObject.
Implementation of the remote delegate for PersistentDomainObject.
A AbstractPersistentOperation provides methods that are not part of PersistentOperations and is associated to a DomainContext.
Remote delegate for AbstractPersistentOperation.
Implementation of the remote delegate for AbstractPersistentOperation.
Base class for server applications.
Adapter hiding the rmi-stuff for the admin session extension.
Admin utility methods.
Admin extension implementation.
Table holding the token locks.
Default implementation of LockManager.
Default implementation of PersistenceDelegateLinker.
PDO join.
A joined select.
Manager for token locks.
A helper class to create a normtext like string from a user's input.
It is intended to search in normtext columns of PDOs with LIKE or NOT LIKE.
Number Space persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for NumberPoolPersistenceImpl.
Remote delegate implementation for NumberPoolPersistenceImpl.
Number Space persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for NumberRangePersistenceImpl.
Remote delegate implementation for NumberRangePersistenceImpl.
The modification tracker for the tentackle persistence layer.
The default implementation for a RemoteDelegateLocator.
Adapter for a remote session.
Hides the RMI stuff.
PDO-aware implementation for a remote session factory.
Persistence utility methods.
This singleton replaces DbUtilities from the tentackle-database module to make it PDO-aware.
Factory for class variables.
Remote delegate interface for ResultSetCursor.
Remote delegate implementation for ResultSetCursor.
A cursor for a ResultSetWrapper.
Adds a closed flag to saveObject a roundtrip in remote sessions.
Security rule persistence implementation.
Remote delegate for SecurityPersistenceImpl.
Remote delegate implementation for SecurityPersistenceImpl.
RMI Application Server.
A token lock.