All Classes and Interfaces

Access scope.
Prints the model spec of an annotation.
An attribute.
Attribute implementation.
The attribute definition line.
Options for attributes.
Attribute options.
Pretty printer for attribute options.
Pretty printer for attribute lines.
Pretty prints the section containing the attributes.
Describes the sorting of an attribute.
Factory for code snippets used by generators such as wurblets.
Explicit column migration for a given table.
Handles the migration of columns.
A comment line.
Options common for attributes and entities.
Implementation of common options.
The configuration line.
<key> := <config>[;]
Custom migration validator.
Applications may enforce extra rules on the migration.
Custom model validator.
Applications may enforce extra rules on the model.
The input document describing the model of an entity.
The empty line.
The entity.
Holds aliases for entities.
Allows mapping of names used in relations or inheritance to map to entity names, for example, to simplify refactoring.
A factory for entity models.
The default entity model factory.
The entity model implementation.
Entity model information.
Entity as a component of a model.
Global options for the whole entity.
Entity options.
Prints the model of an entity.
Foreign key for referential integrity.
Implementation of a foreign key.
Handles the migration of foreign keys.
Global options line.
Prints the global options.
Describes a database index.
An attribute of an index.
Index part.
Index descriptor.
Handles the migration of indexes.
The migration result.
Prints the model spec of an index.
The kind of inheritance.
The referential integrity mode.
A parsed line.
May span multiple input lines.
A parser for a line according to line type.
The configuration file line type.
Argument to use in select- and delete-methods.
Model singleton.
Defaults for model parsing.
A directory holding model files.
The model dir is capable to detect changes, usually model files added by the Wurbelizer.
Default implementation of a ModelDirectory.
Element as part of the model.
Describes a model error.
Model parsing exception.
Model implementation.
Model utility methods.
May be replaced by project specific implementation via @Service.
A line consisting of multiple physical lines.
Such lines are concatenated by trailing commas or colons.
Enforces application specific rules for names.
This is an additional check to the backend rules.
Default implementation of a NameVerifier.
The option line.
Parses [...] options.
Holds parameters to configure the generated output.
A relation to an entity.
Relation implementation.
Describes the relation to other entities.
Prints the model spec of a relation.
The relation type.
The selection type.
A line consisting of a single physical line.
Attribute sorting.
Information about the source.
Handles the migration of tables.
Migration result.
Contains the migration parameters and the resulting SQL code.
Object tracking type.