All Classes and Interfaces

Bundle for app-package in tentackle-fx-rdc.
Controller to add, edit and remove backends.
Menu item to collapse this and all child nodes of a PDO.
Default implementation of a GuiProvider.
Can be used as an adapter.
The default GUI provider factory.
The default GUI provider factory.
A default pdo editor.
The view is generated from the PDO model via reflection.
The simple default finder.
Provides normtext-search criteria (if entity provides a normtext).
The default RDC factory.
Default implementation of the SecurityDialogFactory.
Java FX tentackle desktop application.
Menu item to edit a PDO.
Event listener proxy for event handlers and filters.
Provides access to all registered listeners and delegates them to a Node.
Menu item to expand this and all child-nodes of a PDO.
Tentackle FX application base class.
Provider of GUI-functionality for a pdo.
A factory for GuiProviders.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a GuiProvider for PDO.
Annotation processor for the @GuiProviderService annotation.
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (PersistentDomainObject)
Login controller.
The login FX application.
To handle login failed exceptions.
Handler for a LogoutEvent in a desktop application.
Replaces the default logout handler and invokes Fx.terminate() from within the FX-thread.
PDO-aware collection to TreeItem translator for FxTreeView and FxTreeTableView.
Used if the model provides a collection.
Adds style, context-menu, DnD and function-keys to components bound to a PDO.
A factory for PDO context menus.
The context menus are used as popups.
FX controller for a persistent domain object.
CRUD controller for PDOs.
FxController to edit a PDO.
Event related to persistence operations on a PDO.
FxController to search for PDOs.
Holds the view of the selection criteria and runs the query.
List translator.
Replaces ObservableListTranslator and adds PDO detection for automatic configuration via GuiProvider for tables.
Search controller for PDOs.
PDO to String translator.
A PDO table cell.
Used for cells containing a PDO.
PDO cell type.
Not covered by the default ObjectTableCellType because PersistentDomainObject is an interface.
This cell type does not set the graphics icon.
A context menu item.
Context menu items are used in popup menus for PdoTableCells.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a PdoTableContextMenuItem.
Annotation processor for the @PdoTableContextMenuItemService annotation.
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (PdoTableCell)
A translator for PDOs.
A PDO tree cell.
A context menu item.
Context menu items are used in popup menus for PdoTreeCells.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a PdoTreeContextMenuItem.
Annotation processor for the @PdoTreeContextMenuItemService annotation.
Enforces the implementation of the following constructors: (PdoTreeCell)
Tree item for a PDO.
PDO-aware TreeItem translator for FxTreeView and FxTreeTableView.
A PDO tree table cell.
Used for cells containing a PDO.
A context menu item.
Context menu items are used in popup menus for PdoTreeTableCells.
Annotation to express that the annotated class is a PdoTreeTableContextMenuItem.
A wrapper for some view controller that can be used as a pdo editor.
Useful to view PDOs that cannot be edited.
Collected factory methods for FX-RDC-related stuff.
Enhances code readability.
Common implementation for choice- and combobox delegates.
PDO-aware choice box.
Builder to create a ChoiceBox.
Delegate for RdcChoiceBox.
PDO-aware combo box.
Builder to create a ComboBox.
Delegate for RdcComboBox.
A factory for FX-RDC-related stuff.
PDO-aware FxFactory.
Bundle for rdc-package in tentackle-swing-rdc.
FxUtilities for RDC.
RDC runtime exception.
Extended ShortLongTextCellFactory with security checks.
PDO-aware configuration for a table column.
PDO-aware table configuration.
RDC-related utility methods.
Extended RdcUtilities with a thread- and session pool for background execution.
Replace with application specific implementation via Service annotation.
A factory for security dialogs.
Security permissions editor.
GUI provider for Security.
Security editor controller.
View showing all sessions logged in to the middle tier.
Allows killing sessions as well.
Table popup.
Provides a context menu with several handy features such as export to excel, save and load table settings, etc...
The popup can be used for tables and tree tables.
A controller to print a table.
Table-related utility methods.
Menu item to view a PDO.