Uses of Package
Packages that use org.tentackle.common
Application lifecycle.
Annotation processors.
Annotation processors.
Common classes for build- and runtime.
Low-level persistence layer implementation.
Persisted preferences implementation.
Low-level persistence layer remoting.
Domain layer implementation.
Extended FX layer.
Annotation processors for FX.
Tentackle binding for FX.
Allows a regular class to be used in place of a view generated by
.FX rich desktop client API.
Application lifecycle.
Annotation processors.
Security rules editing.
FX table support.
FX table cell types.
FX value translators.
Bundle provider using the persistence layer.
Network- and I/O-support.
Logging support.
Log4J major release 2 logging provider.
SLF4J logging provider.
Miscellaneous stuff.
Everything that doesn't fit elsewhere.
Everything that doesn't fit elsewhere.
Entity model.
Default model implementation.
Number sources.
Persistent Domain Object Abstraction Layer.
Higher-level PDO-aware persistence implementation.
LockManager default implementation.
Higher-level PDO-aware persistence remoting.
Reflection support.
Scripting abstraction layer.
JSR-223 scripting.
All about permissions, rules and grantees.
All about permissions, rules and grantees.
Security persistence.
Provides ACL-like security rules.
Provides ACL-like security rules.
The low-level core of sessions, persistent objects and operations.
SQL backend layer.
Backend implementations.
DataType implementations.
SQL metadata support.
Tasks and dispatchers.
Validation API.
Predefined validators.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.appClassDescriptionEncrypted
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.aptClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.apt.pdoClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.commonClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.Datatype for storing arbitrary (binary) data in a database.Money value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.The resource bundle factory.Support to locate bundle services.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.A simple en- and decryptor.
Each application should provide a concrete instance with a confidential salt and passphase and a no-arg constructor.Date with database semantics.A DMoney is the same as a BMoney but will be treated differently when stored in the database.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.EncryptedProperties
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
.Exception handler.A freezable object.Multilingual text.
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype viaorg.tentackle.sql.datatypes.I18NTextType
.A provider forLocale
Supports thread-local locales and mapping of locales according to the application requirements.Interface to determine the module hierarchy.
Provides a hook to access resources from within a module.Holds information about a module.A dependency sorter for jigsaw modules.Naming rules for classnames.
Used at runtime to determine the remote delegates, at build-time by some wurblets, and by the wizard to generate PDO- and operation sources.
Can be replaced via@Service
for application-specific rules.A string of parameters.Generic path to something.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Factory for services based onServiceFinder
.Finds service configurations.Key to map service finders.Translates strings to a reduced char set.Tentackle runtime exception.Time with database semantics.Timestamp with UTC option.Runner for external tools. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.dbmsClassDescriptionDatatype for storing arbitrary (binary) data in a database.Money value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.Date with database semantics.A DMoney is the same as a BMoney but will be treated differently when stored in the database.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.EncryptedProperties
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
.A string of parameters.Annotation for manually written methods that must be remoting capable.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.Time with database semantics.Timestamp with UTC option. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.dbms.prefsClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.dbms.rmiClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.Timestamp with UTC option.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.domainClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fxClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.aptClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.bindClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.nofxmlClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.rdcClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.rdc.appClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.rdc.aptClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is an annotation processor.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.rdc.securityClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.rdc.tableClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.rdc.updateClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.tableClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.table.type
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.fx.translate
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.i18nClassDescriptionThe resource bundle factory.Support to locate bundle services.
For annotations providing bundle support, a META-INF/service entry must be created manually in order to be processed by the BundleFactory at runtime as well as the analyze-, checker- and i18n-maven-plugins at build time.Default implementation of a bundle factory.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.ioClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.logClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.log.log4j2vClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.log.slf4jClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.miscClassDescriptionMoney value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.Date with database semantics.EncryptedProperties
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.Time with database semantics.Timestamp with UTC option. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.modelClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.model.implClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.nsClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.pdoClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.Encrypted
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.Timestamp with UTC option. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.persist
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.persist.lock
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.persist.rmi
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.reflectClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.scriptClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.script.jsrClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.securityClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.sessionClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed during the analyze-phase.Annotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.Encrypted
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.Tentackle runtime exception. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.sqlClassDescriptionEncrypted
If a value starts with a~
(tilde), the remainder of the string is considered to be encrypted by the application-specificCryptor
.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.sql.backendsClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.sql.datatypesClassDescriptionDatatype for storing arbitrary (binary) data in a database.Money value derived from BigDecimal.
A money value has a distinct and fixed scale that cannot change.A DMoney is the same as a BMoney but will be treated differently when stored in the database.
A BMoney is stored as a DOUBLE for the value and an INTEGER for the scale.Multilingual text.
This is an immutable and serializable object which is supported as a regular datatype viaorg.tentackle.sql.datatypes.I18NTextType
.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation. -
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.sql.metadataClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.task
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.updateClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.validateClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.Annotation to express that the annotated class is a service implementation.
Classes in org.tentackle.common used by org.tentackle.validate.validatorClassDescriptionAnnotation to express that the annotated class corresponds to a resource bundle.Annotation to mark an annotation to be processed by the ServiceAnalyzeHandler.